San Francisco County






Miss Jeanne Bolte, Principal of the French and English School, Jackson street, San Francisco, was educated in Europe, has had an extensive experience as a teacher, and is eminently qualified for her present position.  She first engaged in teaching in New York, afterward came West, and was employed as a private tutor in the family of Horatio Livermore, Esq., for several years, in this city; next taught in Madam Feitska’s school for young ladies; went to the Sandwich Islands, where she was also engaged in her profession for a time.  Upon her return to California she accepted a position as principal in Professor Larcher’s School of Languages, Oakland, and also taught in Snell’s Seminary there.


The school with which Miss Bolte is now connected was established about twelve years ago as a kindergarten, and is centrally located at 2127 Jackson street.  During the past year its scope has been enlarged and girls and young ladies admitted, and already the number of pupils has increased fourfold.  Particular attention is given to the fundamental branches and most thorough methods are employed, one special feature of the school being that no extra charges are made for the study of languages.  There are three English, three French and two German teachers.  The kindergarten department is under the care of two excellent teachers, especially adapted for their line of work.  Miss Bolte, assisted by this able and efficient corps of instructors, is conducting a school that is rapidly growing in popularity and that merits the confidence and esteem is receives from its patrons.  A coach calls for the children whenever desired, and taking all things into consideration there is no more satisfactory school in the city than Miss Bolte’s excellent academy.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 119-120, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.