San Francisco County









      Outstanding among the younger attorneys of San Francisco is Charles R. Boden, who is assistant public defender of the city, and is known widely as an authority on criminal law. He is a native of San Francisco, where his birth occurred on October 1, 1901, and he is a son of Michael J. and Esther (Duggan) Boden. Michael J. Boden was born in Ireland, and came to California in 1880. For twenty-eight years he served in the San Francisco fire department, and at the time of his death was in the position of first assistant chief. His wife was also born in Ireland, and their marriage occurred in San Francisco. To this union there were born three children, namely: Evelyn; Matthew M.; and Charles R. Mrs. Boden survives her husband.

      Charles R. Boden first attended the public and parochial schools of San Francisco, continuing his studies at the St. Ignatius high school, from which he graduated in 1919. He then entered Santa Clara University, and from this institution he received three degrees, Bachelor of Science in 1923, Bachelor of Laws in 1924, and Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1930. After successfully passing his examination, he was admitted to the bar of California on August 15, 1925. In the private practice of his profession, which he conducts from his own offices in the Mills building, he has been notably successful, and in his official capacity as assistant public defender his litigation has been practically all of criminal character, in which phase of jurisprudence he has specialized and is considered a most able authority. He is an instructor in criminal law in the San Francisco Law School at this time.

      Mr. Boden has participated actively in political affairs, and has accorded his support to the republican party. In 1926, 1928, and 1930, he was a member of the republican county central committee, and in 1928 he was appointed to the state republican committee, on which he served two years. His religious affiliation is with the Roman Catholic Church. He is a third degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and is a past president of the Pacific Parlor, No. 10, of the Native Sons of the Golden West. He belongs to the Olympic Club and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He has been fond of swimming and all sports during his career, and he was manager of athletics at Santa Clara University in 1923-24. Within the comparatively few years he has been active in the law practice, Mr. Boden has progressed with uncommon speed, due in great measure to his own demonstrated ability and to his personal popularity in San Francisco. He has proved trustworthy in the discharge of his responsible duties, and has been faithful to his private clientage, all of which has won the esteem of his contemporaries and the public. Mr. Boden’s offices are situated at 333 Kearny street in San Francisco.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 464-465.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County