San Diego County
(Supreme Representative of the Supreme Lodge of
the World.)
There are men in every community who
earn distinguished honor by faithful and efficient service. Such has been the
career of Col. E. T. Blackmer. The commanding form,
genial nature and high intellectuality which he possesses give him an influence
and attraction among his associates seldom seen. His Phthian
history dates from 1871, when he was made a Knight in Welcome Lodge, No. 1,
Chicago. In ’73 he became a charter member, and first Chancellor Commander of
Imperial Lodge, Chicago. He has taken a deep interest in Pythianism,
and was largely instrumental in forming San Diego Lodge, No. 28. In 1876 he was
elected Grand Prelate, and advanced each session to Grand Vice Chancellor and
Grand Chancellor. In 1880 he was elected Supreme Representative, and elected
again in 1886 for four years, commencing January, 1888. In October, 1883,
Chevalier, No. 6, of the Uniform Rank, was instituted in San Diego, and he was
elected first Lieutenant Commander, and the following year Sir Knight
In October, 1886, he was elected
Colonel of the Third Regiment of the California Brigade. Brother Blackmer is a member of the Endowment Rank, Section No. 70,
and has acted as Secretary and Treasurer for a number of years. He is also a
member of San Diego Lodge, No. 35, F. and A. M., San Diego Chapter, No. 63,
Loyal Legion of Commandery, and Heintzelman
Post, No. 33, G. A. R.
He has led an active life, and
although 58 years of age he has an elastic step, and vigor that will warrant
many years of service in the building up of society.
Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.
Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including
Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 218, Publ. Bancroft
Co., San Francisco. Cal. 1889.
© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.