San Francisco County







GEORGE HENRY BEW, capitalist, Alameda, came to this State in 1884, settling in Alameda. He was born in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county, New York, August 12, 1851, of New England parentage. His father, George Bew, now resides in Santa Rosa, this State. He was brought up and educated in his native town, and in 1870 moved with his parents to Lawrence, Kansas, and other places. While still a youth he was employed in his father’s grocery and learned business habits. At Lawrence he entered the pork trade, in partnership, under the firm name of Bew & Company, but his father finally dropped out, and George conducted the business alone. Commencing in a small way he gradually increased his operations as demands increased until they became extensive, and he was successful. While living in Lawrence he also operated extensively in Kansas City property while that city was undergoing a boom, being interested in a tract which was afterward platted and made "Bew’s Addition" to the city. Through these investments he realized a handsome margin. His health becoming poor, he came to California. He now has extensive real-estate interests in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda--the most of which is in the "city."

      He is a member of the order of the Knights of Honor, being now Dictator of Garden City Lodge, of Alameda. He is also a member of the Merchants’ Exchange of San Francisco.

      February 23, 1874, in Lawrence, Kansas, he married Mattie Hart Burnton, a resident of that city and a native of New York city. They have one son, named George Ellsworth.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 552-553, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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