John E. Bettancurt


John E. Bettancurt, proprietor of a wine house and restaurant on Fourth street, near the Broad-Gauge depot, San Rafael, is a native of St. George, Western Island, born December 31, 1858.  He was reared and educated in his native country, and was the second of seven children born to John and Mary (De Gages) Bettancurt.  In 1875 he emigrated to America, locating at San Rafael, where his early life was passed on a dairy farm.  He now owns a large dairy farm in Sonoma county, near Petaluma, where he makes a specialy of butter-making, and employs six men the year round in connection with that enterprise.  The products are sold to the San Francisco markets, where they bring good prices and find a ready sale.  More than 100 cows are milked daily on this ranch.  Mr. Bettancurt is also largely interested in a number of other business enterprises throughout the State.  He is the owner of two vessel in mercantile service on the bay plying between San Francisco, Petaluma, this city and Stockton, which gives employment to a number of coast sailors.  For several years Mr. Bettancurt was actively engaged in the coasting trade, but of late his various business interests demand his attention in the interior. 


He was married in San Francisco October 15, 1883, to Miss Francis Ignacia, a native also of the Western Islands.  Mr. And Mrs. Bettancurt  have an interesting family of four children, namely:  John E., Frances, Mary and Rafael.  Politically he is a staunch Republican, and takes an active interest in school matters.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 598-599, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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