San Francisco County






     L. A. BERTELING is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, where he was born in 1847.  He lost both parents when quite young and suffered many hardships in consequence, but being naturally self-reliant he fought his way to manhood uncomplainingly.  Having a natural inclination for mechanics, he served an apprenticeship, and became an expert instrument maker.  In 1866 he came to California, and after remaining awhile in Oroville he came to San Francisco, where he sought employment and worked at pattern-making until the job gave out.  He then went to Santa Cruz, where he obtained employment again, but was defrauded of his pay.  Assisted by friends he returned to New York, but soon became discontented, and in 1868 he came again to San Francisco.  Here he commenced the study of optics, in which he persevered for years, often under adverse circumstances, but with a determination to succeed.  Thinking to better his condition financially he went to Arizona in 1874; but, not being pleased with the prospect there, after barely escaping drowning in the Colorado, and scalping by the Indians, he returned to San Francisco and embarked for South America, where he spent nearly five years, principally in Ecuador and the United States of Colombia, engaged in a general merchandise and jewelry business.

     During this time he continued his studies, and invented several valuable optical instruments, his skill as an instrument-maker being of great assistance to him.  At length he determined to devote himself to his profession, and he sold out his business and returned to San Francisco in 1879, where he established himself in the business in which he has since become so eminent.  Among the most noted of his inventions some are of comparatively recent date as his demonstrative ophthalmoscope, refraction ophthalmoscope, prismometer, compound optometer, simple optometer, myopic scale, eye glasses, charts and objective, etc.  He has also discovered a simple and accurate method by which to determine imperfections of the eye.

     He was married, in 1880, to Miss E. L.  Knoll, a daughter of George Knoll, of San Francisco.

Transcribed 8-17-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 263, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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