EUGENE S. BERT, a prominent attorney of San Francisco, was born in this city February 13, 1866, and this has ever since been his home.  After graduating at the State University and 1884, he studied law in Hastings College, a department of that university, and graduated there in June, 1887.  Shortly afterward he was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court, and since by the Federal courts.  He began his law studies over ten years ago, when he first became connected with the well-known firm of Gunnison & Booth.  He inclines to make a practice since in civil suits his specialty.  In criminal law he conducted the defense in the important case of Perazzo, charged with conspiracy to murder, and secured the acquittal of his client, in opposition to several prominent lawyers.  In politics he is a settled Republican.  Is president of the Mission Alconquins, a strong club that converted the old skating-rink on Mission Street into a "wigwam," and organized many stirring meetings for prominent speakers.  He is a member of the Legislature; also a member of the Union League Club; of Mission Parlor, No. 38, N. S. G. W., of which he is Past President; one of the incorporators of the Mission Parlor Building Association, his parlor being first in the field of building operations; is also vice-president of the third of reading-room directors of the order; one of the directors of the Jacob Strahle Slate Company; a director of the Installment Home Association, which has a capital stock of $5,000,000; less Vice-Commander of the Grand Lodge of United Endowment Associates, and the youngest man, indeed, to hold any office in that association.  He resigned that position on account of the pressure of business, and he organized the Nitesco Literary and Social Society in the mission, of which he was president for several terms; and in many of these relations he has received flattering testimonials, magnificent presents, etc., and has recently become a law partner of Hon. J. N. E. Wilson, under the firm name of Wilson & Bert.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" (and Its Cities And Their Suburbs) Vol 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 452.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

California Statewide

Golden Nugget Library