San Francisco County









      Numbered among the well known and popular young native sons of San Francisco is Howard F. Bernhard, who has served as under-sheriff since November, 1929, and is also active in the business life of the city as the sole owner of the Pioneer Soap Company. He was born January 31, 1893, his parents being Peter D. and Johanna (Horstmann) Bernhard, who were born educated and married in San Francisco. The grandparents in both the paternal and maternal lines emigrated from Germany to the new world, coming to California by way of Cape Horn, and here they reared their children. Peter D. Bernhard, who was a barber, owned and conducted a chain of barber shops in San Francisco, his principal establishments being at the Waldorf, the Ferry building and the Palace Hotel. He was a pioneer among the exponents of the chain-store idea and continued active in business until his death, which occurred in 1927. To him and his wife, who is still living, were born four children, a daughter and three sons, one of whom is deceased.

      Howard F. Bernhard pursued his education in the grammar and high schools of San Francisco and after putting aside his textbooks was variously employed. When the United States became involved in the World war, he at once enlisted in the regular army but was not sent overseas. He was honorably discharged in December, 1918, with the rank of lieutenant. On returning to San Francisco he accepted a position with the Pioneer Soap Company, in which he purchased a third interest some time later, eventually becoming the sole owner of the business. The Pioneer Soap Company has developed an extensive and profitable enterprise in the manufacture of all kinds of soaps, and has its factory and office at 400 Fifteenth street.

      Mr. Bernard married Miss Vaughn Armstrong, a native of Sacramento, California, and they are the parents of two sons, Howard Bruce and Robert Frederick.

      Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Bernhard has supported the men and measures of the republican party. As stated above, he was appointed under-sheriff of San Francisco by Sheriff Fitzgerald on the 1st of November, 1929, and he has since discharged the duties of this position in a highly creditable and commendable manner. He is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, being a past commander of California Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, past captain of the drill team and a member of the Mystic Shrine. He has been a member of the Olympic Club for the past eighteen years and also belongs to the Lakeside Golf Club, being very fond of a game on the links.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 391-392.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County