San Francisco County









      Pierre Alexander Bergerot, an honored native son and successful lawyer of San Francisco, has long been a recognized leader among the French people of the city and is attorney for the consulate general of France and counsel for the Bank of America Trust & Savings Association. He was born February 4, 1867, his parents being John Andrew and Louise (Luquet) Bergerot, both of whom are natives of France. The father came alone to San Francisco, via Cape Horn, in 1856, when a youth of twelve years, and the mother also crossed the ocean alone when a girl. They were married in San Francisco and became the parents of six children, all of whom are deceased, save Pierre A. and one daughter, Miss Marie Bergerot. John Andrew Bergerot and his son Pierre became organizers and directors of the French-American Bank, and for many years the former has been actively and successfully engaged in business as an insurance broker. He is still living at the advanced age of eighty-six.

      Excellent educational opportunities were afforded Pierre A. Bergerot in his youth. He was graduated from the Lincoln grammar school in San Francisco in 1884, from the Boy’s high school in 1887 and from the University of Bordeaux in France in 1889, with the degree of Bachelor of Letters, while three years later, in 1892, he received the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the University of California. Throughout the intervening period of four decades he has been actively engaged in the practice of his chosen profession in San Francisco, and his clientage has steadily increased in volume and importance with the passing years. As stated above, he is attorney for the consulate general of France and counsel for the Bank of America Trust & Savings Association, and he has long enjoyed a position of leadership among the French people of his native city. France awarded him the medal of the Legion of Honor for civic and patriotic work extending over a period of thirty years and also in recognition of valuable service during the World war. Aside from his professional interests, he has figured actively in financial affairs as an organizer of the French-American Bank, later absorbed by the United Bank & Trust Company and now merged with the Bank of America, of which Mr. Bergerot is counsel. He has membership in the San Francisco, California State and American Bar Associations and maintains well appointed offices at 110 Sutter street. He is also president of the French Public Library, which is owned by the French Alliance Society, Inc., and has over twenty thousand volumes in the Native Sons building on Mason street.

      On the 8th of December, 1897, Mr. Bergerot was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Dupuy, of San Francisco, and they are the parents of a son, Edmond Pierre, assistant city and county attorney, and a daughter, Lucile. They also have two grandchildren. They reside at 3065 Pacific avenue, San Francisco, and have an attractive country home, Casa Loma, at Oak Glen Park, Los Gatos.

      Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise, Pierre A. Bergerot has supported the men and measures of the republican party. He was made school director and president of the board of education of San Francisco in 1899 and has done effective work in the interests of public instruction. Moreover, he is ex-president and director of the French Hospital Association and a member of La Gauloise, French Ladies Benevolent Association, Cercle de L’Union and the League of Henri IV. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masons and the Improved Order of Red Men. He is likewise highly esteemed among his fellow members of the Native Sons of the Golden West, the Down Town Association of San Francisco and the Commonwealth, Olympic and Lafayette Clubs of this city.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 46-50.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County