San Francisco County









      Among the citizens of Italian birth who have made good in the city of San Francisco is Philip Benedetti, who is successfully engaged in the florist business at 2980 Sixteenth street. He was born in Florence, Italy, December 14, 1882, and is a son of the late Angelo and Asunta (Tochi) Benedetti.

      Angelo Benedetti came to San Francisco in the year 1884, and was followed soon afterwards by his family. He was first employed as a bookkeeper for a blacksmith shop on Davis street, and then went into the retail fruit business. After a career in this vocation he retired to private life, and died in 1926, his wife having preceded him in death during the previous year, 1925. They were the parents of two sons and three daughters, all of whom are living.

      Philip Benedetti did not have the opportunity for much academic schooling, but learned much during his youthful years through experience. His first work was done for his father, and he then sold flowers on the streets of the city. After the fire of 1906, he went into the fruit business at Twenty-second and Howard streets, and subsequently entered the flower business. For the past twenty-three years he has been situated in his present locality in this occupation, and has built up a most prosperous trade. He employs four people, and does a general line of florist work, especially in designs for funerals. His store and display room are modeled after the latest designs, in order to exhibit effectively the flower creations which he makes.

      Mr. Benedetti was married to Miss Maude Howard, who was born in San Francisco, and is a daughter of Patrick Howard. They have one son, Howard Benedetti.

      In politics, Mr. Benedetti customarily gives his support to the republican party. He belongs to the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Young Men’s Institute, the Improved Order of Red Men and the Knights of Columbus (third degree). He and his family find their favorite recreation in touring by motor through California.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 124-125.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County