Hon. J. S. Bellrude


Hon. J. S. Bellrude, lumber merchant of Sausalito, formerly Justice of the Peace, was born at Christiania, Norway, October 1, 1827, where he was educated and reared to manhood.  He then went to London, England, remaining about three years, when he emigrated to America, and was for a time engaged as an interpreter to a Scandinavian society.  He soon afterward located at Portage City, Wisconsin, where he engaged in clerking; later he was a Notary Public.  In 1855 he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama.  After remaining in San Francisco one year he went to Marysville and engaged in the lumber trade and also livery business until 1860, when he came to Sausalito.  In 1861 he was elected Justice of the Peace for one term.  Two years later he went to Nevada, locating for a few months at Virginia City.  Then he was in the city of San Francisco some six months, when he permanently located at Sausalito, where he was appointed Postmaster, continuing in the office six months.  Next he was elected Justice of the Peace four terms successively until 1891.  He has been a very prominent business man in Sausalito during the years of his residence there, and he has been for several years identified with the dairy business in Marin county.  In addition to his lumber business he also conducts a large feed and sale stable.


Judge Bellrude is the fourth in a family of seven children born to his parents.  He is the son of Charles and Annie Bellrude, both now deceased.  Our subject is a Democrat politically, and is still active in polities.  He is a man of many sterling qualities, a worthy citizen and one who has the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 595-596, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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