This gentleman, who was for many years most prominent in mercantile affairs in the northern part of the county, was born in Northern Germany, November 25, 1842.  Here he received the benefits of a good common-school education, and was employed as clerk in his father’s store till he had reached his twenty-second year.  Then he left home to begin life on his own account. 

Crossing the Atlantic, he went to Connecticut, and resided in various parts of the nutmeg State for three years, engaged in selling goods.  An opportunity presenting itself for employment in Atlanta, Georgia, he removed there, and was engaged as clerk in a mercantile house for three years.

Mr. Beerman arrived in San Francisco in 1868, and shortly afterwards engaged himself as clerk in the store of M. M. Feder, at Elk Creek, in Colusa County.  After six months spent in this employ, he and Sol.  Davidson opened a general store in the old town of Olimpo, northwest of the present town of Orland.  At the end of the first year, he purchased the interest of Mr. Davidson in their joint business, which he continued until the spring of 1888, having in the meantime moved his store to Orland just after the railroad had reached that town.  Alive to the necessity of a banking institution in this place, he was one of the original movers in the organization of the Bank of Orland, which was incorporated in March, 1887, and of which he was chosen president.

In 1888 Mr. Beerman disposed of his store business in Orland, and moved to San Francisco, where, in financial comfort and surrounded with domestic blessings, he can take life in unvexed retirement, and see to the education of his children.  Mr. Beerman was married, October 10, 1875, to Miss Rachael Davidson, by whom he has four children, Charles, Wilfred, Irene and Edith.

“Colusa County” – by Justus H. Rogers – Orland, CA – 1891 – pp 460-461

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