San Francisco County



Louis Bazet,M.D., whose office is at No. 22 Geary street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past eight years, and has practiced medicine in San Francisco during those years.  He was born in Pau, Department of Basses Pyrenees, in the southwestern part of France in 1848, the son of Eugene and Rosalie (Touzet) Bazet, also natives of that Department of France, and where his ancestors for many generations have resided.  His father was a veterinary surgeon of repute in that neighborhood.  Dr. Bazet's primary education was received in the schools of his native city, passing the usual examinations. At the age of seventeen years he left home for Paris, where he lived for two years.  In 1868 he went to Cuba, and lived in Havana about nine months, engaged in pharmacy and the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Briard.  Coming to the United States he passed the next three years in private study and in earning in various ways the funds necessary to carry him through a course of medical study.  Entering in 1873 the matriculating class of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, he graduated at that institution after the usual courses, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine in 1876.  Mr. Bazet then went to Europe, where for two years in the hospitals of France, Belgium and England, he pursued post-graduate studies and attended the clinics, receiving at the same time an experience only to be had in those institutions.  Returning to the Pacific Coast he practiced for one and a half years in Eureka, Nevada, and later for nearly two years in Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico, and finally settling in San Francisco, in December, 1883, since which time he has practiced continuously in this city.  In 1887 he was elected as one of the visiting physicians of the French hospital of this city, a position which he still fills.  He is also one of the members of the staff of the Polyclinic of San Francisco, and also the State and County Medical Societies of San Francisco.


Transcribed 2-12-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.   

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 40, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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