San Francisco County









      The successful career in architecture of Herman C. Baumann of San Francisco, California, is indicated by the fact that he has constructed over five hundred apartment houses in this city during the last five years, this number including some of the most pretentious and exclusive structures of the bay district.

      Mr. Baumann was born in Oakland, California, April 13, 1890, and is a son of Michael and the late Marie (Will) Baumann, who came to the state of California in 1889. He completed his studies in the grade and high schools, and then in 1905 took up the study of architecture in an office devoted to this profession. Here, and in several other offices, he acquired valuable fundamental training for his chosen work, and in 1910 he entered into active work for himself. He has made a specialty of apartment houses, and in one year has designed as many as one hundred and thirty-seven of them in this city. At this writing, he has thirty under construction, and in all, as noted, he has built over five hundred. One of the finest he has created, and which shows the quality of his ability, is the Bellaire apartments, at 1101 Green street in San Francisco, which stands twenty-two stories in height, and is the very last word in elegance and modernity of equipment. The Bellevue-Staten apartments in Oakland, and the new Shelldrake Hotel are other notable buildings which he has produced.

      Mr. Baumann was married to Miss Joan Essner, who was born in Chicago, and reared in San Francisco. They are the parents of two children, John and Joan, aged eleven and eight years, respectively (1931).

      Mr. Baumann’s favorite diversion in life, outside of his profession and companionship with his family, is in outdoor activities, in which he participates as much as possible. He is public-spirited in San Francisco affairs, and compels the respect and admiration of many through the excellent work he has done in architecture, with its consequent beautification of San Francisco city.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 39-40.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County