BERNHARDT BAUMEISTER, M.D., whose office is at No. 1536 Dolores street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1864, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1882.  He was born in New York City, in 1852, the son of Dr. Ernest Baumeister, who was a surgeon in Germany, and a graduate of Halle. He came to the United States in 1848 with Gen. Carl Schurz and others, who were engaged that year in the attempted revolution, which expatriated so many able young Germans. He entered the U.S. Army as surgeon soon after the breaking out of the Rebellion and was killed while with his regiment in the second battle of Fredericksburg, 1863.

The subject of this sketch received his early education in the public schools of New York, and later in those of San Francisco where he graduated at the high-school in 1870.  He commenced the study of medicine in 1878, under the preceptor ship of Dr. Manzey of Washington Territory.  In 1879 he entered the medical department of the University of California, where he graduated after a full course of three years, in 1882.  He was immediately appointed house physician and surgeon of the city and county hospitals of San Francisco, where he remained one year.  Dr Baumeister then entered into private practice in his present location, where he has since remained.  He is a member of the Stated Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco.

Louise E. Shoemaker, Transcriber September 24th, 2004


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 522, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker.

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