San Francisco County






   Jennie Ensign Barrow, M. D., whose office is at No. 634, Sutter street, San Francisco, has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1870.  She was early born in New York city in 1845, and her education was received in the public schools of that city, and later under private tutorship.  She commenced the study of medicine in 1865, entering the Woman’s Homeopathic College, New York, and graduating at that institution in 1868, receiving her degree as Doctor of Medicine.  She then entered the New York Eclectic Medical College, where she was graduated in 1889, and again received the degree as Doctor of Medicine.  Being a lady of means, Dr. Barrow established the first Free Homeopathic Woman’s Dispensary, and practiced for some years gratuitously among the poor of New York.  She established at different times six free dispensaries in New York city and one at Yonkers, it costing her at one time $300 per month in this work.  She practiced medicine in New York until 1888, when she removed to California, and has since been practicing in San Francisco.

   Dr. Barrow is a member of the State Homeopathic Society of New York State, and of the National Institute of Homeopathy.  She has not yet identified herself with any of the medical societies of the Pacific coast.  The Doctor intends to establish in San Francisco a free dispensary on the basis of those established by her in New York.  She makes a specialty of the treatment of the diseases of women and children.  She uses static electricity as well as the resources of the materia medica in the treatment of diseases, possessing the only Holtz machine now in use on the Pacific coast.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 131-132, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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