San Francisco County












            Our country has developed a race of men that are the peers of any in the history of the world. The popular and beloved Pastor of the First Congregational Church of this city is an excellent representative of that New England genius whose love of liberty, keenness, thrift, inventive faculty and scholarship, grounded on native ability, have permeated the American character and made the tier of comparatively small States on our northeastern border dominant in American institutions.

            He was born in Freyeburg, Maine, in 1847, and is a descendent of a noted ancestry. His mother, Annie Kimbal Dana, being one of the most intellectual and highly accomplished woman of her times. He has labored hard to gain that zenith of fame he enjoys---as an orator, minister, lecturer and writer. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Andover Theological Seminary.

            He is greatly beloved by his people, and in the great missionary work of the State as Pastor of the oldest and wealthiest Congregational Church in the State, and as a loved brother among his ministerial brethren, he exerts a leading and helpful influence, being always ready to further plans which will strengthen and relieve the poor and build up the best interests of California. His church nobly seconds all his efforts. As we have said, Dr. Barrows is still young, having hardly yet reached the full maturity of his powers. But he has already accomplished much. Educational institutions from kindergarten to college,  have felt his beneficent influence; and the charities and churches he has aided have been not a few. His public lectures are inspiring. His addresses are many and instructive. It may reasonably be expected that the greatest achievements of his life are yet in the future, a rich fruitage from the choice culture, the high resolves and the earnest discipline of the past.

            He became a member of California Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. M., passing through the various degrees in May, 1888. Joined California Chapter, No. 5, Mark Masters, in September, receiving his degrees in October, 1888, and became a member of Golden Gate Commandery, No. 16, Knights Templar, in February, 1889. At the last annual Communication in October, 1888, he was unanimously elected Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Grand Jurisdiction of California.   




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 120, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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