William Henry BARROWS


William Henry BARROWS was established in the successful practice of law in California for more than half a century, and at his death in November, 1923, was one of the veteran, able and honored members of the bar, of San Francisco, in which city he had long controlled a substantial and representative law business.


Mr. BARROWS claimed the old Empire State as the place of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Steuben County, New York, on the 29th of December, 1848.  He was the son of Clark and Mary (MOSHER) BARROWS, both, likewise natives of New York, and his brother , Edward, is now a resident of Oakland, California.  Clark BARROWS was a successful contractor and builder in the State of Indiana.  The common schools of the Hoosier State afforded William H. BARROWS the major part of his early education, which was supplemented by a professional course in the law department of the great University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, in which institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1872.  In the year which thus recorded his reception of the degree of Bachelor of Laws, Mr. BARROWS  came to California, which state continued the stage of his able and successful professional activities during the long intervening years.  Soon after his arrival in San Francisco  Mr. BARROWS became associated in practice with Judge Robert THOMPSON, and this effective alliance continued six years.  From that time on he was engaged in an independent practice up to the time of his death.  Mr. BARROWS was associated with much important litigation in the various courts of California within the long period of his professional service, and has gained and retained high repute as a resourceful trial lawyer and well fortified counselor.


In January, 1881, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. BARROWS and Miss Carrie MCMURRAY, who was born at Kalamazoo, Michigan, and of the three surviving children of this union the eldest is Ray K., who is engaged in the practice of law in San Francisco and who is well upholding the professional prestige of the name which he bears; Leigh is a superintendent in oil fields in the southern part of the state; and Dorothy is the wife of David Porter VAIL, of Los Angeles.


Mr. BARROW’s death occurred at his home in Marin County on November 18, 1923.

Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 298-299 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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