San Francisco County









      With a background of a thorough and diversified education and extensive experience in foreign travel, Patrick Henry Barnes holds a position of repute in financial circles of San Francisco, having been a member and vice president of the investment banking firm of Hupp & Company, Limited, since the time of its organization. Mr. Barnes was born in Monticello, Kentucky, February 8, 1892, and is a son of Judge Marshall Hudson and Martha Ann (Daugherty) Barnes. He finished the courses offered by the public schools, then took up his classical studies at Transylvania College of Lexington, Kentucky, and from this institution received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1913. In 1915 he attended the Harvard Law School. Later, as special representative of the Standard Oil Company, he traveled through Europe and Asia, and while abroad studied the Hindustani, Arabic and Persian languages, acquiring much experience and knowledge which have been invaluable to him in his subsequent activities. In the year 1922, Mr. Barnes became associated with the firm of S. W. Straus & Company, investment bankers of San Francisco, while subsequently he was a representative of the Chase Securities Corporation. At the time of the organization of Hupp & Company, Limited, in 1930, he became vice president of this concern, which is one of the well known and responsible companies of its kind on the Pacific coast and deals only in securities of the very highest type. Its offices are in the Russ building at 215 Montgomery street. Mr. Barnes has been a close and observing student of financial affairs of the city, state and nation, and his counsel and advice are respected by both his clients and contemporaries.

      On the 12th of October, 1929, Mr. Barnes was united in marriage to Miss Helen Ireland, a native of California. Her father, Frank Ireland, was an internationally known horseman and was one of the organizers of the Texas Corporation.

      During the World war period, in 1918, Mr. Barnes was a captain in the United States Army, and was stationed at Fort McKinley in Manila, Philippine Islands. He now holds the commission of major in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. He is a democrat in his political adherence, and his religious affiliation is with the Methodist Church. He is a member of the Bombay (India) Gymkhana and the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. His local club memberships are with the Union League and the St. Francis Yacht. As a citizen of San Francisco, he has given hearty cooperation in local enterprises which he considered of benefit to the community, and he has gained marked popularity through the personal attributes which he has manifested.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 392-395.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County