San Francisco County







GEORGE H. BARHS was born in San Francisco, and is a promising member of the legal profession of the city of his nativity.  He dates his birth August 30, 1853, and is the son of Andrew Barhs, a native of Holstein, Germany.  His father was born in 1834, and emigrated to the United States in 1850, coming at once to California.  For many years he was engaged in those enterprises which developed the territory into the great and prosperous State of California.  He finally invested his means in ships, and then the fates conspired against him, for within ninety days his accumulations were destroyed by the elements, one vessel being burned and the other two being lost in a storm.  After this disaster he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, and later was engaged in the insurance business.  He was married to Miss Frederika Rorata Rominger, of Germany.  There were born of this union thirteen children, two of whom died in infancy; nine of the number still survive and reside in San Francisco.

      The subject of this notice was the second of the family.  He was educated in the public schools of his native city, and there learned the soapmaker’s trade’ this he followed only a short time, and in June, 1882, began reading law in the office of F. J. Castleton, and later on under the direction of Colonel Eyre.  In August, 1885, he was admitted to practice in the District and Supreme Courts of the United States, and began his professional labors in San Francisco, where he has since resided.  Early in his career as a lawyer, he had two murder cases to defend; for one he obtained a verdict of acquittal, and the other received a verdict of manslaughter; these cases he conducted with marked ability, and received many congratulations both from personal and professional friends upon his success.

      Mr. Barhs is a member of the California Protective Association, a liquor dealers’ organization; he also belongs to the Native Sons of the Golden West, Parlor No. 10, to the Empire Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Verein Eintracht, Norma Grove, No. 5, Heartroyal Chapter and Boadicea Druidic Circle, United Order of Druids, San Francisco Schuetzen Verein, German Schuetzen Club, and to the A. U. O. W.  He is one of the prime factors in the organization of the New Schuetzen Park at San Rafael, which is probably the best shooting range in the United States.  Mr. Barhs has himself made an average of 380 out of a possible 500, at 200 yards.

      In 1888 he was married too Mrs. Ann (Ohret) Kuhls.  Politically he affiliates with the Republican party.  He is a man of excellent business qualifications, and enjoys the confidence of a wide business and social acquaintance.




Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 664-665, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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