San Francisco County









      Italy has contributed to California many citizens of notable worth, but none surpassing the late Paul Barbieri of San Francisco, capitalist, civic developer, and merchant, whose death occurred January 21, 1931. He was born in Genoa, Italy, in the year 1855, and came to the United States in 1867, when he was twelve years of age. He settled in California, and soon thereafter was employed in the mining business in Amador county, also in Jackson county. Later, he came to San Francisco, and when he was twenty-five years old he became a partner of G. B. Levaggi in the commission business. For many years, he was a partner in the firm of Gray & Barbieri, commission merchants. In real estate and financial circles of San Francisco, he became a figure of prominence, and exerted a most beneficial influence upon those projects with which he was associated during his career. He was a director of the Italian American Bank, president of the Italian Building & Loan Association, president of the Western Addition Club, and also president of the Haight Street Improvement Association. He was one of the principal owners of the Montgomery block, which is among the oldest buildings in the city. He was the first to start the improvement at Geary and Sixteenth streets, and at that location built the first store.

      In the year 1876, Mr. Barbieri was married to Anna Marie Carsten. They became the parents of the following: Minette, who is the widow of Luther Wagner; Clorinne, who married B. Trobock; and Gus S., who is mentioned in detail elsewhere in this publication. In addition to his immediate family, Mr. Barbieri is survived by two sisters and a brother, namely: Mrs. Rose Levaggi of Berkeley; Mrs. Theresa Cuneo of Oakland; and Stephen Barbieri, who resides in Otsego, California.

      Paul Barbieri’s political affiliation was with the republican party, and he was a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church. He was an enthusiastic worker in civic affairs of San Francisco and was once a candidate for school director.

      The excellence of character and the honorable business ethics possessed by Mr. Barbieri are well indicated in the resolution of condolence prepared by the Montgomery Block Real Estate Associates after his death. This statement follows:

      “Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to remove from our midst our beloved Fellow Director and President.

      “Paul Barbieri was the principal owner and director of the Montgomery block since 1898 and president for the past twenty-five years and was unsurpassed in the services he rendered to the corporation. He was a man of large and imposing physique, with a magnificent head bespeaking thought and intellect, and a clear eye that met all men’s gaze fearlessly and directly.

      “Transcending all these attributes were his wonderful kindness and cordiality to his fellowmen that never failed to fascinate and to foster affection.

      “Early in his career in San Francisco he was selected to represent various important clubs and political associations. Upon all these occasions, whether before courts, before boards of supervisors, or before different civic associations, he acquitted himself with distinction and to the credit and honor of his city and his family.

      :Paul Barbieri was fair, logical and reasonable. He never threw javelins of malice and ill will. His conduct in this community was such that each succeeding year found him held in high regard by all the people in his community. To his fellow-men he radiated good-will and cheerfulness. He believed implicitly in immorality of the soul. He wished ill fortune to none. A great many who came within the circle of his friendship will hold him in the gentleness of memory.”



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 279-281.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County