James Burton Barber, Tax Collector of Alameda county, was born in Marysville, California, November 9, 1850, the first-born American of that city, a son of Arthur S. and Elmira (Burton) Barber.  The mother, born in New York State, died in 1852 in child-birth, leaving only one surviving child, the subject of this sketch.  His grandfather, S. P. Burton, a farmer by occupation, was among the early settlers of Clinton county, Iowa, having moved there from New York State.  A. S. Barber, the father of J. B., born in England in 1817, and married in Clinton county, Iowa, came to California in 1849, and went to mining in Marysville.  In 1853 he came to Alameda and is still a resident of that city.  He went into business there, first carrying on a general store and later on a grocery store, and was Postmaster from 1856 to 1889.  He is the father of two sons and three daughters by his second wife, and is now retired from business.  He is a member of the Pioneer Society and a Mason for many years, being a charter member of Oak Grove Lodge, No. 215, F. & A. M., of Alameda.


J. B. Barber was educated in the public schools of Alameda, and worked in his father’s store to the age of twenty-one.  He then learned telegraphy and went to work for the Central Pacific for two years in that line.  In 1874 he went into business on his own account in Alameda, conducting a wood and coal yard about seven years.  In 1882 he was appointed deputy Treasurer and Tax Collector under J. A. Webster, and afterwards served as deputy Assessor from the first Monday in January, 1887, to the same day in 1889, when he entered on the discharge of his present duties as Tax Collector, to which he had been elected in 1888.  He is a candidate for re-election in 1890.  He is a charter member of Halcyon Parlor, No. 146, N. S. G. W., of Alameda, and Senior Past President of the same.  He is also a member of Oak Grove Lodge, No. 215, F. & A., M., and of Alameda Lodge, No. 49, Knights of Pythias, in which he has passed through the chairs.


J. B. Barber was married in Alameda, in 1878, to Miss Anna M. Cooke, born in Philadelphia in September, 1856, a daughter of Napoleon B. and Martha (Smith) Cooke, who came to this coast soon after her birth, and have been residents of Alameda for many years.  The father is aged about sixty and the mother fifty-eight years.


Mr. and Mrs. Barber have one child, William Burton, born October 20, 1879.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 581-582, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.



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