San Francisco County







   Robert Oliver Baldwin, M.D., of Oakland, was born in San Ramon valley, Contra Costa county, California, April 20, 1864, a son of Robert O. and Mary (Cox) Baldwin, both now living.  The father, born in Ohio, March 30, 1828, and there brought up on his father’s farm until he left for California, March 18, 1850, with one brother, since deceased, and six other companions, came by way of Salt Lake and the sink of the Humboldt, arriving in Hangtown on July 28.  After some experience in mining and prospecting in that region he abandoned that pursuit and engaged in farming in the fall of 1852, in Contra Costa county, at what has ever since been his home, near Danville.  With a partner he first bought 320 acres, which they divided in 1855, and his 160 acres has since increased to 1,000 acres, devoted mainly to general farming and stock-raising, with some attention to fruit-growing in later years.  He has been a School Trustee for many years, and Master of the local grange, and is also a Deacon and active member of the Presbyterian church.  He was married in San Ramon Valley, March 25, 1858, to Mary Cox, born in Indiana, January 9, 1838, a daughter of Mr. Elmer H. Cox; her father died in 1882, aged seventy-four, but her mother is still living, now aged seventy-eight.  Of their five daughters and two sons, three daughters and one son are living.  The Doctor’s grandparents, Baldwin, were also long lived, the grandmother reaching the age of eighty-five; and of their five sons and four daughters two sons and three daughters are living.

   Dr. Baldwin has two sisters and three brothers: Mary M., Born May 1, 1859, and now the wife of Dr. W.W. Hook, of Oakland; Elmer H., born September 6, 1861, now a farmer in Stanislaus county; Jennie C., born April 30, 1866, now Mrs. Geo. L. Everett, of Oakland; Perry A. born August 14, 1869, a farmer and part owner with Elmer H. and Dr. R.O. Baldwin in the ranch in Stanislaus county; John S., born December 20, 1873.

   R. O. Baldwin, our present subject, was educated in the public school at Danville to the age of seventeen, helping some on the farm between terms, and for about one year after quitting school.  At eighteen he entered the medical department of the University of California, and at the end of three years he received the degree of M.D., in 1885.  He was then appointed by the Board of Health of San Francisco, on the recommendation of the faculty, as house surgeon of the City and County Hospital, receiving the usual certificate at the close of his connection with that institution in 1886.  In February, 1887, he commenced the general practice of his profession in the city of Oakland.  He is a member of the State and County Medical societies, of Oakland Parlor, N. 50, N.S.G.W., and of P.O.S. of A.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 227, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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