San Francisco County







   GEORGE GORDON BAKER, of the firm of Clough & Baker, real-estate agents of Oakland, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 24, 1860, son of George Henry and Julia (Altmeyer) Baker, natives of Germany, brought up in the United States, married in Wisconsin, and are still living, now in Oakland.  The father has generally been a farmer and lumberman.  The family left Wisconsin October 19, 1880, and arrived in California on election day, November 4, settling in Los Angeles, and were there until 1885, on a farm.  In 1886 they went to Oregon, and were there until 1888, engaged in mining at Jacksonville, and then they located in Oakland, retired from active pursuits.

   Mr. Baker, whose name heads this sketch, assisted in his father’s business until he came to this coast with the family, settling in Los Angeles.  After a residence there of one and a half years, he went to Washington Territory, and afterward to British Columbia, as a drummer for a Chicago publishing house, 1882-’87.  Next he became secretary of the Japanese Tree Importing Company, of Yokohoma, at San Francisco, and served a year, that is until January 1, 1888.   Then he opened out in the real-estate business in Oakland, as a member of the firm of Wood, Bolls & Baker.  Afterward he formed a partnership with Alton H. Clough, which still continues.

   Mr. Baker is a member of the Sons of Veterans, now holding the office of Lieutenant-Colonel of the Division of California, and of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, in which latter order he has filled the position of Master of Forms and Ceremonies, being a member of the third degree.  In politics he is a Republican, with strong “American” proclivities.  He has one brother, Henry E. Baker, of Medford, Oregon, and two sisters, living with their parents, namely; Carrie Baker, M. D., a graduate of Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, and now practicing in East Oakland; and Mary, a graduate of Bonnelle Conservatory of Music, in San Francisco, and now a music teacher.  Mr. Baker’s grandfather, Charles Baker, died January 15, 1890, aged over ninety years; and his grandmother is still living, aged also over ninety.  His grandfather, Altmeyer, died at the age of seventy-six years, of an accident from a runaway team.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 309-310, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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