David BACIGALUPI, M. D.  A name prominently identified with San Francisco’s commercial, civic and professional life since pioneer times is that  of BACIGALUPI.  A  representative in the present generation is Dr. David BACIGALUPI, a prominent specialist in children’s diseases, at 25 Columbia Street.


One of his grandfathers arrived in California and San Francisco as early as 1848.  All his ancestors came from Italy.  His grandfather, Giovanni BACIGALUPI, arrived in California about 1852, and by 1856 he has seven brothers, and one sister living on the Pacific Coast.  From there has descended the numerous members of the family whose range of interests cover a large part of the state.  Paul BACIGALUPI, father of Doctor David, was born in Italy and came to California in 1852.  He engaged in mining and later in the mercantile business in San Francisco, and is now a retired resident there.  He married Mary DEMARTINI, who was born in Italy, and died in San Francisco in 1922.


A son of these parents, David BACIGALUPI, was born in San Francisco, December 3, 1876, and in his profession has honored his fortune of birth in being a native son of the Golden West.  He was educated in the grammar and high schools of San Francisco, and in 1900 graduated from the Medical College of the University of California.  He then went abroad, taking post-graduate work in Italy and in London, and for one year was an interne in a French hosptial.  For over twenty years Doctor BACIGALUPI has carried on an extensive private practice in San Francisco, his attainments as a pediatrician making him especially well known in his profession.  He also has some commercial interest, and is a director of the Italian-American Bank of San Francisco.  Doctor BACIGALUPI is a member of the California State Medical Society, and is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine.


On September 18, 1906, he married Miss Alice T. BACIGALUPI.  Her father, also an honored California pioneer, is James BACIGALUPI, president of the Columbus Bank of San Francisco.  The three children of Doctor and Mrs. BACIGALUPI are Eugenia and Margaret, students in the Burke’s School and David Jr., attending Potter’s School.  Doctor BACIGALUPI has two brothers, Giovanni BACIGALUPI, of San Francisco, and Tadini BACIGALUPI, a well known practicing attorney of San Francisco, in partnership with Charles ELKUS.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 258-261 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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