Joseph E. Artigues, M.D., whose office is at 651 Broadway street, San Francisco, was born in this city in 1863, the son of Louis Artigues, who was one of the early settlers of San Francisco, where he was for many years a merchant and manufacturer.  Joseph received his education in Toulouse, France, where he attended the public schools, and later the Lycee, where he graduated in 1880.  He returned to California in 1881, where he devoted some time to learning the English language, and also took a course at Heald’s Business College, and was also engaged for two years in business pursuits.  In 1885 he commenced the study of medicine at Cooper Medical College, graduating at that institution in 1887, after a full three-years course, and receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  Dr. Artigues was then appointed house physician to the French Hospital, where he remained for two years, and has since that time been engaged in private practice.


Transcribed 11-7-04   Louise E. Shoemaker

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 574-575, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker.

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