San Francisco County




Rudolph Armstrong, manufacturer of cooperage at 227 and 229 Main street, is a native of Kalma, Sweden, born in 1842.  He learned his trade at Stockholm, where he served an apprenticeship of three years, and upon a satisfactory exhibition of his knowledge and ability in the business he was granted a certificate by the King of Sweden.  He emigrated to the United States in 1865, and after about two years at his trade in New York he started for California, by the Isthmus of Panama, arriving in San Francisco in January, 1886(sic).  He then followed his trade for about three years, when having accumulated a little money he started in business by renting a small place on the corner of Front and Oregon streets, and employing about six men.  With the lapse of time his business increased and in 1873 he leased larger accommodations on Oregon street and then employed from fifteen to twenty men, and remained until 1884, when he was burned out.   Having previously purchased his present location, he then built, filled with suitable machinery, and with increasing trade employs from thirty to fifty men and manufactures all sizes of tanks, pipes and general cooperage.  In 1883 he received two silver medals from the Mechanics' Institute, -- one for the best display of cooperage at the fair, and one for the best cask, California make; and in 1885 he received a special diploma for a similar exhibition.  His trade covers the Pacific coast States, Alaska, Mexico and Australia, all of which comes to him without solicitation, the quality of his work being his best recommendation; and once securing a customer, by good work and honest treatment he holds their trade for all time, having patrons upon his books which he has served from the commencement of his business.

     He was married in San Francisco in 1868 to Miss Matilda Peterson, a native of Kalsam, Sweden, and to the union has been added six children:  Therese, now Mrs. A. Brease; Olga, now Mrs. Charles Rodin; Matilda, Ernest M. R., Oscar T. and George A.  Mr. Armstrong is a member of blue lodge and chapter, F. &. A. M., and is trustee of the Swedish and Scandinavian Benevolent Societies.  He resides in Oakland, where he owns a fine residence, with other valuable property at Berkeley, Santa Rosa and in the city of San Francisco.  In his successes he gives great credit to his good wife, who has aided him with able assistance in thrift and economy.  In his business his universal aim is to give perfect satisfaction, which has been a prime factor in his continued success.


Transcribed 1-31-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.  Transcriber’s Note:  Where I have indicated the (sic) the time frame doesn't work out as you can see. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pageS 697-698, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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