John Henry ANTHONY was a lawyer of ability, but he gave many years of able service as a Government pension examiner, an office of which he was the incumbent at the time of his death, January 29, 1911, his final field of jurisdiction having comprised the states of California, Washington, and Oregon, and his home having been maintained in the City of San Francisco, where his widow still resides, at 900 Oak Street.

     Mr. ANTHONY was born at White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, Virginia (now West Virginia), on the 26th of January, 1852, and was a son of James W. and Elizabeth Caroline ANTHONY. The father was a blacksmith by trade, and upon moving with his family to Illinois he engaged in farm enterprise near Paris, that state, his death having there occurred in 1875, and his widow having long survived him, she having been of venerable age at the time of her death, in 1917.

     In the public schools of Paris, Illinois, John H. ANTHONY continued his duties until he had fully profited by the curriculum of the high school, and thereafter he made a record of successful work as a teacher in the schools of that section of Illinois. Later he studied law and was admitted to the Illinois bar, and after having been of a number of years engaged in the successful practice of his profession he took the required civil-service examination and was appointed a Government pension examiner, his official headquarters having been established in New York City and his earlier service having been in New York and other eastern states. In 1894 he was assigned to the field comprising California, Washington and Oregon, and here he continued his active and efficient service until 1910, when he retired, his death having occurred on the 29th of January of the following year, as preciously noted in this context.

     On the 17th of March, 1875, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. ANTHONY and Miss Alice Leslie KAUFFMAN, who was born and reared in the State of Illinois and who since his death has continued to maintain her home in San Francisco. Of the five children the eldest, Henry Edgar, likewise resides in this city; Nell Laurena is the wife of J. W. LEAVITT, of San Francisco: Guy Leonard  resides in Honolulu, Hawaii;  Edna Caroline is the wife of W.H. HARRISON, M. D., of San Francisco: and Robert Cleveland, resides in Honolulu at the time of this writing, in the winter of 1922-23.



Transcribed by Deana Schultz.



Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 80-83 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz


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