San Francisco County









    HON. F. M. ANGELLOTTI, Judge of the Superior Court of Marin county, is among the leading egal lights of the Golden State, none perhaps being more worthy of mention than the above named gentleman.  He is a native of California, and probably the youngest Superior Judge in the State.  He was born at San Rafael in 1861, his parents being Joseph and Frances (Osgood) Angellotti.  The father, now deceased, was a native of Italy, and the mother of Maine.  Our subject, the eldest of their two children, is a graduate of the Boys’ High School, San Francisco, in the class of 1879.  Immediately afterward he entered the law office of Judges Darwin and Murphy, of San Francisco, as a law student, and graduated at the Hastings Law School in 1882, and was admitted to practice by the State Supreme Court the same year.  The year 1883 found him in active practice in his native city.  In 1884 he was elected District Attorney, and filled that important office until elected to his present position, which was in November, 1890.

     He was joined in marriage in Alameda county, in 1884, with Miss Emma Cearley, and they have one daughter living, Marion, and one deceased.   Politically Mr. Angellotti is allied with the Republican party, and socially affiliates with the F. & A.M., Marin Lodge, No. 191, in which he is Past Maser; also the I.O.O.F. and the order of Druids, and is a prominent member of the N.S. G.W., Mount Tamalpais parlor.  He was a charter member of the latter, and had the honor of being its first President.  Socially he is a gentleman, and has the confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens.

Transcribed 7-31-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 257-8, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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