San Francisco County






   MILTON ANDROS, an attorney of San Francisco, arrived here in December, 1865, from Massachusetts, coming by way of the Isthmus of Panama and reaching this city on the steamer Colorado, Commodore Watkins.  The trip was made in search of health.

   Sir Edmund Andros, Governor of Connecticut in early colonial days, was doubtless and ancestor of our subject.  The name is English, but the father of Milton Andros was thoroughly American.  He was a boy when the Revolutionary army was organized, but he joined the patriots at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and shared every hardship encountered by the Revolutionary heroes until the surrender of Cornwallis assured the independence of the States.  Later hi father became a minister of the gospel, and had one charge under his ministerial care for nearly fifty years.

   Milton Andros was born in Massachusetts.  The foundation of his learning was laid by his careful father, who doubtless hoped, after the manner of men of his calling, that his son might follow him as a minister of the gospel.  When however, young Andros expressed an inclination for the profession of law, his father raised no objection, but assisted him as far as he was able to become thoroughly conversant with the great general principles of the law.  He was placed in the law office of Judge Oliver Prescott, of New Bedford, and was admitted to practice in September, 1847.  As an evidence of the thoroughness with which he had prosecuted his studies, and the standing he occupied with members of the bar, it may be mentioned that he was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States at the December term of 1855.  Under the administration of President Buchanan he was appointed Assistant United States District Attorney for Massachusetts, which position he filled with signal ability, becoming specially familiar with maritime law, which since his arrival here he has made a specialty.  He is also thoroughly conversant with other departments of the law, and is successful in prosecuting suits therein.  He is painstaking and thorough in his preparation, skillful in the conduct of a case, and forcible as a pleader.  His language is clear and convincing, and, when occasion permits, eloquent.

   He is a member of the Masonic Order,--of Golden Gate Commandery, K.T., and also of the California Academy of Science.  He married since coming to California, and has one child, a daughter.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 296, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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