San Francisco County







   JOHN JOSEPH ALLEN, Justice of the Peace of Oakland, was born in San Francisco, June 24, 1863, a son of William M. and Margaret Allen.  His father, a contractor and builder, came to California about 1856.  Mr. Allen, from an early age, made his own way in the world, following the business of ranching, and afterward engaging in mechanical pursuits.

   With a special aptitude for mathematics and a love of literature he devoted his spare moments to his own education.  He read law at home, and in February, 1886, was admitted by the Supreme Court to practice law in all the courts of the State.  In 1889 he entered the law office of Mesick, Maxwell & Phelan of San Francisco as a stenographer and this position afforded him an opportunity for a practical knowledge of the profession.  By the aid and counsel of his firm he extended his law studies and fitted himself for active practice.

   The Republican party in 1890 honored him with the nomination of City Justice of Oakland, to which office he was elected, and which he now occupies.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 296-297, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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