San Francisco County








ALLEN, JAMES M., Lawyer, San Francisco, California, was born in Bethlehem, Ohio, March 14, 1844, the son of John Allen and Lavina (Teel) Allen, of colonial ancestry.

      He was married in San Jose, December 29, 1881, to Miss Ida M. Davis, and their children are Harriet Elizabeth Burrage, wife of J. Otis Burrage; Ruth M. Allen, wife of Lucius Hamilton Allen; Clara A. Allen, Francis Frederick Allen and James Kirke Allen.

      Mr. Allen received his education in the schools of Ohio, Illinois and Connecticut, and was graduated from the High School at Chicago. He entered Yale in 1863 and was graduated with the class of 1867.

      After admission to the Bar in Illinois, he practiced his profession for less than a year in Chicago.

      He practiced three years in Carthage, Missouri, and settled in San Francisco in December 1874, when he was associated with Hon. Francis G. Newlands and afterwards with Lloyd and Newlands, until January 1, 1880, when he was elected one of the Judges of the new Superior Court of San Francisco for three years.

      At the end of his term he formed a partnership with Edgar F. Preston, which continued until 1884, when the firm of Newlands and Allen was formed. Soon afterwards, Wm. F. Herrin entered the partnership and the firm became Newlands, Allen and Herrin. This was dissolved soon after 1891, when Mr. Newlands took up his residence in Washington as a member of Congress and Mr. Herrin became the chief counsel for the Southern Pacific Company. Mr. Allen continued his practice and was counsel for The Bank of California among others.




Transcribed by Gloria (Wiegner) Lane.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 902, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Gloria Lane.


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