San Francisco County








HENRY ALEXANDER , one of the promising young artists of the Pacific slope, is a native son of the Golden West.  He was born in San Francisco in 1860, the son of California pioneers.  He was reared and received his literary education here.  Having a talent for drawing and painting he sought to develop it by study under the instruction of Loeffts and Lindenschmidt.  He afterward went to Europe and entered the Academy of Art, Munich, and for ten years pursued his art studies.  Among his subjects which were exhibited there and which attracted much attention and favorable mention were “Morning Prayer,” “Sunday Afternoon” and the interior of several churches.  Among the most noted pictures are the “Lost Genius,” “First Lesson,” “Neglecting Business,” “The Letter Home,” “Lesson in Gunning” and several Chinese and Japanese subjects. 

      In the gallery of Thomas D. Clark are to be found works from the hand of Mr. Alexander: “The Cap makers,” “Sunday Morning,” and “Interesting Game.”  Mr. Clark has one of the finest collections of art in America, and to be represented in it is recognized as a marked honor. 

      Mr. Alexander’s work is solicited by various exhibitors in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago, and receives very favorable mention by the press of those cities.  He is a contributor to art journals, and is said by the New York Herald to be one of the creators of the modern school of art. 



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 643-644, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.







BEVERLY McMONAGLE, M. D., whose office is at No. 430 Kearny street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past seven years, and has practiced medicine since 1876.  He was born in Sussex, New Brunswick, in 1855, receiving his early education at that place, and later he attended the collegiate school of New Brunswick.  He then spent about two years at the University of New Brunswick, at Frederickton.  He then commenced the study of medicine, entering the medical department of Harvard University, where he graduated in 1876 after a full three years’ course, and received his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  Next he entered the Marine Hospital service at Chelsea, Massachusetts, continuing in that service about two years.  Having decided to devote himself specially to the treatment of women, Dr. McMonagle entered upon a course of special study devoted to that end.  Coming to the West, he remained a short time in New Mexico and Southern California, in search of a satisfactory climate.  This he found at San Francisco, where he at once located.  He became connected with the California Woman’s Hospital, of which he was resident surgeon two years, and was also elected Surgeon-in-Chief, which place he still holds.  The Doctor is a member of the California State and San Francisco County Medical Societies.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 644, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.






JOHN H. WILLIAMSON, M. D., whose office is at No. 906 Market street, San Francisco, is a native Californian, and has practiced medicine in San Francisco since 1885.  He was born in Vallejo, California, in 1861, the son of Daniel and Helen (Marshall) Williamson, who were among the early settlers in California, the father having been engaged in mercantile pursuits in Solano county from 1852 to 1866.  John M. received his early education in the public schools of his native city, where he passed through all the grades, graduating in teaching school in 1878.  He then engaged in teaching school in Solano and Napa counties for about two years, during which time he also engaged in the preliminary studies of medicine.  He entered the medical department of the University of California in 1883, and graduated at that institution in the latter part of 1885, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine after a full course of study.  Dr. Williamson was the appointed house physician of the city and county hospitals, which place he held for one year.  He then entered into the practice of medicine in San Francisco, where he has since continued, and where he has built up a very satisfactory practice.  In 1887 he was appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy at the medical department of the University of California and also in the College of Dentistry, which place he held until the beginning of 1890.  He was then appointed Lecturer of Descriptive Anatomy to those institutions, and he still holds the same position.  The Doctor is a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco.  Dr. Williamson is also a member and Surgeon of Stanford Parlor, No. 76, Native Sons of the Golden West.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 644-645, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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