Joseph Wiley Aiken, D.D.S. gained high reputation and distinct success in the work of his chosen profession, but did not engage in active practice after coming to California, he having lived retired in the City of San Francisco from the time of coming to this state until his death.


     Doctor Aiken was born at Independence, Missouri, November 7, 1850, and was reared and educated in his native state, where he was graduated from a leading college of dentistry and where he became one of the leading dental practitioners in Kansas City.  He gained special reputation for the excellence of his laboratory production of plate work, and there are a number of residents of San Francisco who are still wearing plates manufactured by Doctor Aiken while he was engaged in the practice of his profession in Kansas City, that place having continued his place of residence until he came to California.  The Doctor was a democrat in political allegiance and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is also his widow, who still resides in San Francisco.


In the year 1876 was solemnized the marriage of Doctor Aiken and Miss Celeste Francesca Houch, who likewise was born and reared in Missouri, and of the nine children of this union all are living except one, their names being here entered in respective order of birth:  Samuel (a resident of the State of Washington), Thomas C., Lottie Cameron, Joseph Francisco, Mary (deceased), Sila Houch, Rachel H., Marie Louise and George Houch.


Louise E. Shoemaker, Transcriber February 23, 2004



Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 103. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.


© 2004 Louise Shoemaker


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