San Francisco County





HENRY ACH is the partner of Joseph M. Rothchild, attorney, San Francisco. This firm has doubtless as large a commercial practice as any in San Francisco, and this has been built up in a proportionally short period. It is not to be doubted that their business came to them naturally, owing to the favorable impression created by a knowledge of their ability and industry among the business men of this city, and was not the result of forced growth.

Mr. Ach is one of the youngest of our successful native lawyers, and yet he has been in the practice of his profession now for about fourteen years. He made his first mark in life in Portland, Oregon, and since that time his industry has advanced him more rapidly than is ordinarily the case. His father was a prominent merchant in pioneer times, commencing here as early as 1850, in conducting a successful wholesale house in the boot and shoe trade. He was burned out in the great fire of May, 1851, losing all, as there was no insurance here in those days; nevertheless, he continued in business here a number of years afterward. In 1860, with his family, he removed to Portland, Oregon, and built up a fine trade there.

In Portland Mr. Henry Ach was educated, completing his school course at college, with high honor and making unusually rapid progress with his studies. He studied law in the office of Whalley & Fechheimr, of that city, one of the best-known firms of that State, was admitted to the bar by the Supreme court of that State in 1877, and immediately taken in as a partner of the firm mentioned, the name assuming the form of Whalley, Fechheimer & Ach. The head of the firm retiring in 1883, the name became Fechheimer & Ach, and so continued until the death of Mr. Fechheimer in 1885. After that Mr. Ach entered partnership with Hon. George H. Williams, es-Attorney-General, and C. E. S. Wood, under the firm name of Williams, Ach & Wood. The wider field and greater scope afforded by San Francisco finally induced Mr. Ach to come here, in January, 1886. For a year longer, however, he continued his Portland partnership, as it required that length of time to settle up the business there. In this city Mr. Ach entered into partnership with Mr. Rothchild shortly after arriving here.

In Portland Mr. Ach was engaged in many important actions in the Federal and State Courts. In connection with some of these he has appeared before the Supreme Court at Washington; indeed he has made several trips East in his law business. The practice of the present firm is generally in civil suits. It is more prominently known in commercial law, for the reason that it is retained by many of the capitalists and leading mercantile houses. It is noted for its promptness and carefulness.

In politics Mr. Ach has so far taken but little part, other than to exercise his right of citizenship in voting. He is married and has one son.

Transcribed by 9-4-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 334-335, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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