San Diego County








     OESTING, CHARLES WILLIAM, Bonds and Insurance, San Diego, California, was born in Richmond, Indiana, January 8, 1874, the son of Henry Frederick Oesting and Elizabeth (Weber) Oesting.  He married Edythe Choate in San Diego, July 28, 1900, and to them there was born a daughter, Doris Elizabeth Oesting, now eleven years of age.  Mr. Oesting’s family, on the paternal side has been prominent in German public life for many generations, the eldest son of each generation having served as Governor of the Province of Oldenburg.  His maternal grandfather was the founder of Earlham College at Richmond, Indiana.

     Mr. Oesting received his educational training in the Lutheran Seminary at Richmond, but in addition to his practical studies devoted seven years to music and is today an accomplished musician.  He studied under Dr. Van der Stucken of Cincinnati, one of the world’s greatest modern interpreters.  Director for many years of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and of the celebrated May Musical Festival of the Queen City.

     Mr. Oesting spent his early boyhood in Richmond and Cincinnati, where his father was a wealthy merchant, and in 1887 moved to San Diego with his parents.  He remained there for about six months and then returned to Indiana to re-enter school.  Upon the completion of his course in 1890, he went to San Francisco and entered the office of a broker as clerk, a position he held for approximately two years.

     In 1892 he returned to San Diego and went into the wholesale grain and commission business with his father, having a small interest in the house.  After four years of activity in this field he determined to go into the bond business and was appointed Manager for the San Diego territory of Arthur Nason, bond and investment broker.   His record within the first two years of his connection with this house resulted in his being chosen an equal partner in the business and in 1898 he bought a half interest, the firm then being styled Nason& Oesting.  He continued in charge of the San Diego branch and in addition established an office in Los Angeles, which he conducted from 1902 until 1911.

     After nine years in partnership, Mr. Oesting in June, 1907, withdrew and engaged in business for himself.  Since that time he has been one of the active men in business circles of San Diego and now holds a leading position among the men in his line of business.  He is Southwestern representative of the Home Insurance Company of New York, the Sun Insurance Company of London and the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company of Baltimore and besides his San Diego business, commands a large clientele in Los Angeles, where he plans to reopen a branch in the near future.

     Mr. Oesting, who is one of the popular men of San Diego, has taken a keen personal interest in the politics of the city, as a member of the regular Republican organization, but never has been a candidate for public office.  His position in the public service was as a member of the State Harbor Board of California, to which he was appointed in 1899 and twice reappointed, serving three terms in all. During the greater part of his twelve years’ connection with the Board, Mr. Oesting was its President and in this capacity he led in various improvements and measures which brought the harbors of the State up to their present high standard and saved to the Commonwealth millions of dollars.  He retired from this office when the harbor of San Diego, over which he had kept a watchful eye, was turned over to the city authorities.  During his connection with the harbor work of the State Mr. Oesting conducted a progressive and enterprising campaign for improvement and also issued numerous encouraging articles which advertised the advantages of the various harbors to the world.

     Mr. Oesting has taken an active part in the upbuilding of San Diego and vicinity and is largely interested in a number of building corporations.  He is also an extensive operator in real estate and the owner of a splendid ranch near San Diego.  He has recently become President of the Ammex Motion Picture Company and is also Vice President of the Independence Stone Company.  He is a member of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, the Cuyamaca Club, Coronado Country Club, and Elks.

     He is an enthusiastic motorist and has taken a prominent part in automobile affairs in his section.  He is also an enthusiastic musician and seeks recreation, much of the time, in the enjoyment of music, having a splendid pipe organ as one of the features of his home.




Transcribed 6-30-09 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 310, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2009 Marilyn R. Pankey.