San Diego County










            San Diego has reason to be proud of her public parks, which rank with the finest in the country, a distinction attained under the supervision of John G. Morley, whose services to the city in this connection have been invaluable.  Mr. Morley is a native of England and a son of James F. and Annie (Smith) Morley, both now deceased.  He was reared and educated in England, where for years he was associated with his father, under whom he was thoroughly trained in horticultural work.  Crossing the Atlantic, he came to the United States and spent the years 1905 – 08 as superintendent of the park system of Los Angeles.  He then removed to San Diego.  His brother, William T. Morley, is a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

            John G. Morley has been superintendent of the city parks of San Diego since 1911 and is known far and wide as one of the most eminent horticulturists of the era.  He directs the labors of about one hundred and twenty persons, who are employed in the various public parks of the city, and has communicated to his subordinates much of his own zeal and enthusiasm for the work.  Under his care is beautiful Balboa Park of twenty-six hundred acres, with its various museums and wonderful zoo.  A notable feature of this park is its flower gardens, which attract many thousands of visitors.  Mr. Morley’s advice on horticultural matters has been widely sought and freely given.  He is frequently called upon to act as judge at leading flower shows in this country and in 1924 at the Bagatelle Gardens, Paris, was one of the judges of roses exhibited by growers from many parts of the world.

            In 1893 while residing in Los Angeles, Mr. Morley was married to Miss Sarah Mooney, by whom he has a daughter, Teresa, now the wife of Ralph C. Hayward, of San Diego.  With his wife Mr. Morley resides in the superintendent’s house in Balboa Park.  He is a past master of the Golden State Lodge of Masons in Los Angeles, has taken the thirty-second degree in the consistory at Los Angeles, and is a charter member of Al Bahr Temple of the Mystic Shrine of San Diego.  He also belongs to the Cuyamaca Club and is serving on the state board of agriculture.  Modest and unassuming, he has never sought publicity, for his heart is in his work, which affords ample scope for the expression of his talents.  His wide knowledge of horticultural science is conceded by all Californians and his helpful spirit has prompted his effective efforts in advancing civic betterment by means of beautiful parks, gardens and flowers.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 243-244, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.