San Diego County
As vice president of the Bank of
America, Emil Klicka is an influential figure in financial circles of San Diego
and he has also won prominence in other walks of life. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, May 26,
1879, and attended the public schools of that city. Profiting by the many opportunities for
advancement there presented, he became one of Chicago’s substantial
businessmen, serving as president and general manager of the Joseph Klicka
Company and as a director of the Lawndale State Bank and the Western State
Bank. In 1921 he came to California and
in San Diego formed the Klicka Mortgage Company, of which he was elected
president. He also organized the Klicka
Lumber Company, becoming its president, and developed a large corporation with
yards in the principal towns of San Diego County. Since 1928 he has served as vice president of
the Bank of America, to which his name lends additional prestige, for he is
recognized as a man of keen discernment, mature judgment and strict honesty.
In 1907 Mr. Klicka was united in
marriage to Miss Jessie Weegar, a member of one of
the old and prominent families of San Diego.
Mr. Klicka is identified with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
and with both the York and Scottish Rite bodies of
Masons. He takes a keen interest in
harbor development and is a member of the State Pilots Association. In local politics he is a factor of
importance, serving as treasurer of the Republican County Committee, and has
furthered the success of the party.
Essentially a man of action, Mr. Klicka has given tangible proof of his
public spirit and devotion to the general good, and the qualities that have
brought him to the fore in business and financial affairs have also made him a
civic leader. He is rendering valuable
service to San Diego as a member of the harbor commission, chairman of the
industrial commission and a director of the Chamber of Commerce. He resides at 3506 Twenty-eighth Street, San
Diego, and his office is in the building occupied by the Bank of America.
Transcribed by
V. Gerald Iaquinta.
Source: California of the South
Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages
61-62, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis. 1933.
© 2012 V. Gerald Iaquinta.