San Diego County









            For nineteen years county law librarian, H. J. Place is also capably discharging the duties of court commissioner and has devoted much of his life to public service, figuring in the public life of San Diego county for more than three decades. He was born in Livingston county, Illinois, March 29, 1860, a son of John T. and Phoebe (Rumery) Place, whose declining years were spent in San Diego, where the former passed away in 1907 and the latter in 1922.

            In 1887, when twenty-seven years of age, H. J. Place located in San Diego and opened a real estate office. Due to his foresight and sound judgment he prospered in business and was closely identified with development work here for five years. His parents paid him a visit in 1887 and spent the winter seasons in California until 1901, when they also took up their abode in San Diego.

            Since 1892 H. J. Place has had official connection with public affairs in San Diego county and in length of service to the county he holds an unusual record. Alert and vigorous, he is still young in spirit and interests and his appearance belies his seventy-two years. As a constable he entered the arena of public affairs in 1892 and was retained in the position for twenty-two years, also acting as deputy United States marshal during sixteen years of that period. In 1914 he was appointed to his present post, taking charge of the well stocked law library in the county court house, and has proved a faithful, efficient custodian, while his work as court commissioner has also been strongly commended. To every task assigned him Mr. Place has given his best efforts, for he has a high conception of duty and honor, and few public officials in southern California have so enviable a record of service.

            On St. Valentine’s day of 1884 Mr. Place was married to Miss Stella S. Teter and two children were born to them. The son, Roy, lives in Tucson, Arizona, and is regarded as one of the foremost architects in that state. He drew the plans for the new court house at Tucson, the new Pioneer Hotel, and has also designed many university buildings and schools. He has a wife and two children and his family exchanges visits with that of his father each year. The daughter, Irene, became the wife of Oliver W. Choute, a member of a prominent family of San Diego, and since her husband’s death has resided in Hollywood, California. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Place have an attractive home at 1253 Twelfth avenue, San Diego. In politics Mr. Place is a stalwart republican and has been active in behalf of the party. He is deeply attached to his city and cooperates in all well defined movements for its growth and betterment. In 1887 he joined the Knights of Pythias, becoming a charter member of Red Star Lodge, No. 153, and every year since that time has been elected a delegate to the Grand Lodge of the organization. He also has fraternal connections with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Woodmen of the World. In manner he is quiet and unassuming but possesses many sterling traits of character, as his fellow citizens attest, and is known and esteemed throughout San Diego county.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 05 May 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 381-382, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis. 1933.

© 2012 Marie Hassard.