San Diego County









            As a civil engineer Harry Camp Clark was closely identified with development work in the east and south before his removal to the west and during the period of his residence in San Diego, covering twenty-two years, he has become recognized as a lawyer of high attainments, also accomplishing much as a civic worker.  He was born in Bay City, Michigan, June 8, 1883, a son of Herman E. and Melissa C. (Heath) Clark, who are now deceased.  The father, a scion of one of the old families of New England, became manager of large lumber interests in Michigan and had the foresight and sagacity of the successful businessman.

            Reared in the Green mountain [sic] state [sic] Harry C. Clark was graduated from the academy at Derby, Vermont, as a member of the class of 1901, and at Burlington attended the University of Vermont, which awarded him the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.  Leaving that institution of learning in 1907, he located near Boston, Massachusetts, where he followed his profession for a time, and afterward was engaged in engineering work at Louisville, Kentucky.  In 1911 he established his home in San Diego and decided to qualify for another line of professional activity, taking up the study of law.  Admitted to the bar of California in 1915, he opened an office in San Diego but laid aside his practice two years later to enlist in the United States Army for service in the World war [sic].  He was commissioned a second lieutenant, soon afterward advancing to the rank of captain, and went to the front with the Fifth Division.  Returning to this country in 1919, he was mustered out of the service and resumed his legal work in San Diego.  He became junior member of the law firm of Tomkins & Clark and gave to his practice his undivided attention until 1927, when he was elected mayor of San Diego.  He brought to the office an earnest desire to serve the municipality, as well as a clear understanding of its needs and problems, and gave to the city such an efficient administration that he was reelected in 1929 for another term of two years.

            On the 6th of June, 1911, Mr. Clark was married to Miss Georgia L. Kessinger, of New Albany, Indiana, and they reside at 4252 Wetherby street [sic], San Diego, while Mr. Clark’s office is in the San Diego Trust & Savings building [sic].  His religious views are in harmony with the doctrines of the Congregational Church and his political allegiance is given to the republican [sic] party [sic].  He lends the weight of his support to all movements destined to prove of benefit to his city and state and is a reader and student of the history of California.  He enjoys the sports of fishing and hunting and has executive connection with the board of directors of the Izaak Walton League.  He belongs to the Athletic and University Clubs of San Diego and his college fraternity is Kappa Sigma.  He is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  While devoted to the interests of his clients, Mr. Clark never forgets that he owes a still higher allegiance to the majesty of the law and his professional colleagues, who are thoroughly appreciative of his worth, have honored him with important offices.  In 1925 he was elected to the board of directors of the San Diego County Bar Association, of which he became vice president in 1926 and president in 1927.  He is also a member of the California Bar Association and the American Bar Association.




Transcribed by Jeanne Turner.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 491-492, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Jeanne Turner.