San Diego County










            A composer, as well as an experienced teacher of the piano and organ, Royal A. Brown has made important contributions toward the advancement of the art of music and maintains his studio and residence at 3643 Grimm Avenue, San Diego.  He is a native of Texas, and has made his home in San Diego since 1906.  His musical education was acquired under competent instructors in the states of Texas and California and in France.  He studied under the eminent Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart, organist in Balboa Park, and since his death, Mr. Brown is organist there.  Appointed organist of St. Joseph’s Church in San Diego in 1914, Mr. Brown has been retained in that capacity for fifteen years.  He is a composer of note and his more recent work along that line includes some very beautiful masses, which were given at St. Joseph’s, the cathedral church of San Diego.  An accomplished player, he gives both organ and piano concerts over the National Broadcasting System.  His standing as a musician is further indicated in the fact that he has been accorded a fellowship in the American Guild of Organists.

            In 1915 Mr. Brown was married to Miss Ethel Louise Johnson, of Wisconsin, and their children are Enid Elizabeth and Warren Mallison.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 215, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.