Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry

For the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America

Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California



June 30, 1914


San Francisco Consistory, No. 1

San Francisco Council, No. 1

San Francisco Chapter of Rose Croix, No. 1

San Francisco Lodge of Perfection, No. 1



Van Ness Ave. and Sutter Street





Pages 9-51



No. 1




Officers 1914:


Manuel Lafee, 32° K. C. C. H., Venerable Master

Jesse Meigs Whited, 32° K. C. C. H., Senior Warden

Carl Neuer, 32°, Junior Warden

Charles Lewis Patton, 33° Hon, Orator

Leo Bruck, 32°, Almoner

Samuel Wolf Levy, 33° Hon, Treasurer

Joseph David Abrams, 33° Hon, Secretary

John Berthold Wuersching, 32°, Master of Ceremonies

Hugh McBirney, 32°, Senior Expert

Arthur Joel, 32°, Junior Expert

Robert Napier Silver, 32°, Captain of the Guard

Henry Augustus Cline, 33° Hon, Tiler






Samuel Boyd Stevenson, 32° K. C. C. H.

Louis Bloch, 32° K. C. C. H.

Charles Duebel, 32° K. C. C. H.


Auditing Committee:

Carl Neuer, 32°

Alexander Hawksley, 32°

Lafayette Levingston, 32°

Purveying Committee:

Henry Steinbach, 32°

William Waldeyer, 32°

Harry Miller, 32°


House Committee:

Thomas Muirhead, 32° K. C. C. H.

Robert Edward Allan, 33° Hon.

Edward Nelson Borg, 32°


Edgar Malcolm Cameron, 32°

Samuel Boyd Stevenson, 32° K. C. C. H.

Hans Gustave Fredrickson, 32°


Master of the Robes:

Thomas Frederick Guest, 32°












San Francisco Lodge of Perfection No. 1


†William Schuyler Moses

†George J. Hobe

†Charles F. Brown

†George W. Roberts

†Philip Peck

†William A. Robertson

Frederick William Gustave Moebus

†Martin S. Meyer

Henry Augustus Cline

Charles Augustus William Wagner











Harry Joseph Lask

Henry Burner

William Jacob Smith

†Frank O. Allen

Frank Bacon Ladd

Frank Chester Van Schaick

Henry Ascroft

†James Andrew Wilson

William Parker Filmer

John Rudolph Ruckstell











†William Francis Buswell

Robert Edward Allan

Henry Andrew Ranft

Frank Wesley Smith

George Martin Van Buren

Samuel Boyd Stevenson

Charles Duebel

James Oscar Ludwig Brunswig

Manuel Lafee





















Officers 1914:


Ben Levi, 32°, Wise Master

Arthur Joel, 32°, Senior Warden

Jesse Meigs Whited, 32° K. C. C. H., Junior Warden

Charles Lewis Patton, 33° Hon., Orator

Leo Bruck, 32°, Almoner

Samuel Wolf Levy, 33° Hon., Treasurer

Joseph David Abrams, 33° Hon., Secretary

Henry Andrew Ranft, 32° K. C. C. H., Chaplain

Hugh McBirney, 32°, Master of Ceremonies

Albert Adolph Rosenshine, 32°, Senior Expert

John Berthold Wuersching, 32°, Junior Expert

Henry Steinbach, 32°, Guardian of the Temple

Henry Augustus Cline, 33° Hon., Tiler






Past Wise Masters:


†Washington Ayer

†Benjamin Morgan

†William Schuyler Moses

†George W. Roberts

†David M. McClure

†William A. Robertson

†William H. Daniell








Henry Augustus Cline

Frederick William Gustave Moebus

Frank Koenig

John L. M. Shetterley

Henry Ascroft

Harry Joseph Lask

Francis Valentine Keesling








Philipp Jacobovics

Henry Simon Manheim

Louis Bloch

James Oscar Ludwig Brunswig

Manuel Lafee

George Martin Van Buren

Ben Levi

















Officers 1914:



Henry Simon Manheim, 33º Hon., Commander

Manuel Lafee, 32º K.C.C.H., 1st Lt Commander

Arthur Joel, 32º, Second Lieutenant Commander

Robert Edward Allan, 33º Hon., Chancellor

Charles Lewis Patton, 33º Hon., Orator

Leo Bruck, 32º, Almoner

Samuel Wolf Levy, 33º Hon., Treasurer

Joseph David Abrams, 33º Hon., Recorder

Walter Neat Brunt, 32º, Master of Ceremonies

Julius Gabriel, 32º, Turcopilier

James McCarty, 32º, Draper

Edward Elmer Conn, 32º K.C.C.H., 1st Deacon

Frank George Kenne, 32º K.C.C.H., 2nd Deacon

Jesse Meigs Whited , 32º K. C. C. H., Bearer of Beauseant

Otto Ferdinand Grundel, 32º K.C.C.H., Bearer of White Standard

Robert Austin Peabody, 32º K. C. C. H., Bearer of Black Standard

Walter Perry Johnson, 32º, Lieutenant of Guard

Henry Augustus Cline, 33º Hon., Sentinel







Past Commanders:


†Thomas Kyle

†Horace H. Hubbard

†Charles F. Brown

†Theodore Henry Goodman

Aaron J. Messing






Charles Lewis Patton

George Varcoe

Henry Ascroft

Harry Joseph Lask

John Rudolph Ruckstell






William Parker Filmer

Joseph David Abrams

Robert Edward Allan

Henry Simon Manheim











M. R. S.



Officers 1914:



Lloyd Harry Liebman, 32º, Master of Kadosh

Henry Andrew Ranft, 32º K. C. C. H., Prior

Carl Neuer, 32º, Preceptor

Robert Edward Allan, 33º Hon., Chancellor

Charles Lewis Patton, 33º Hon., Minister of State

Leo Bruck, 32º, Almoner

Samuel Wolf Levy, 33º Hon., Treasurer

Joseph David Abrams, 33º Hon., Registrar

George Martin Van Buren, 32º K.C.C.H., Prelate


Charles Maurice Wollenberg, 32º, Master of Ceremonies

Lewis Edward Wallace, 32º, Expert

Samuel Merritt Bloomer, 32º, Assistant Expert

Julius Gabriel, 32º, Captain of Guard

Henry Augustus Cline, 33º Hon., Steward







Past Grand Masters – Grand Consistory:




†William T. Reynolds

†John M. Brown

William Abraham Davies

†Charles F. Brown

†David M. McClure






Theodore Henry Goodman

†Stephen Wing

William Schuyler Moses

†William Frank Pierce

James Bestor Merritt






Charles Lewis Patton

Henry Augustus Cline

Charles L. J. Pierce

Charles Frederick Crocker

Charles William Conlisk











Past Masters San Francisco Consistory No. 1:



John L. M. Shetterley

Frank Koenig

Frank Bacon Ladd

Frank Chester Van Schaick

James Andrew Wilson






Joseph David Abrams

Henry Ascroft

William Parker Filmer

Francis Valentine Keesling

Edward Elmer Conn

William Francis Buswell







Robert Edward Allan

Charles Duebel

Louis Bloch

Frank Wesley Smith

Lloyd Harry Liebman














July, 1914.


[NOTE. The * preceding a name indicates life membership. The figures immediately following the names indicate the No. of the Lodge, Chapter, Council and Consistory of California of which the brother is a member.]


Aaron, Victor, 30º

Abraham, Charles Jacob, 32º

Abrahams, Max, 14º

Abrahm, Benjamin, 32º

Abrahm, Samuel, 32º

*Abrams, Henry Moses, 32º

*Abrams, Joseph David, 33º Hon.

Ackerman, Charles Henry, 14º

Adams, Charles Albert, 32º

Adams, Charles Campbell, 32º

Adams, Edward Stonehill, 32º

Adams, William Rooney, 14º

Adams, William Wright, 32º

Adler, John Schram, 32º

Affolter, Joseph, 32º

Alderson, Harry Everett, 14º

Alexander, Jules, 32º

Alexander, Michael Sanford, 18º

*Allan, Robert Edward, 33º Hon.

Allen, Charles, 32º

Allen, Richard Spicer, 18º

Allen, William Garratt, 32º

*Altenburg, August, 32º

Ancker, Abraham, 32º

Anderson, Ernest Bernolf, 18º

Anderson, Roy Robert, 14º

Anixter, Benjamin, 32º

Anthony, Herbert Mills, 32º

Applegate, George Brenton, 30º

Appleton, William, 32º

Arendt, Alfred Lionel, 32º

Armer, Andrew Milton, 32º

Arndt, Michael, “S,” 12, 9, 9, 1, 32º

Artigues, Joseph Emile, 32º

*Ascroft, Henry, 33º Hon.

Asher, Hugo Kiewe, 32º

Ashton, John Geoffrey, 14º

Atwood, Joseph Conrad, 18º

Auger, Harry Leon, 32º

Auradou, Anthony Leon, 32º

Aurich, Leon Stanley, 14º

Aust, Frank William, 32º

Aver, Frank, 32º

Ayers, Clarence Warwick, 32º

Ayers, Clifford Edwin, 18º

Aylesworth, Walter Eugene, 32º


Bachman, Lawrence, 32º

Bacigalupi, Tadini Joseph, 32º

*Bacigalupi, Theodore, 32º

Bacon, Gaston Ernest, 32º K. C. C. H.

Badgley, Gilbert Benjamin, 14º

Baehr, Harry, 32º

Baer, Charles, 32º

Bagley, Herbert Lincoln, 32º

Bailey, Mitchell Phillips, 30º

Baker, Frederick “T”, 32º

Baldwin, Murray, 14º

Barbero, Harry Lee, 32º

Barker, Henry, 32º

Barneson, John, 32º

Barnett, Abraham Thomas, 32º

Barrett, Richard Watts, 14º

Barron, William, 14º

Barthold, Adolph Theodore, 14º

Bauer, Charles Franklin, 32º

*Bauer, Chris John, 32º

*Bauer, George William, 32º

Bauer, Samuel, 32º

*Baum, Simon, 32º

Beach, Harry, 32º

Beatty, Seydel Floyd, 32º

*Beck, Adam, 32º

Beck, Charles Louis, 32º

Beck, Henry Martin, 32º

Becker, George John, 18º

Becker, Johannes Paul, 32º

Becker, Julius Henry, 14º

Becker, Walter Frank, 14º

Becsey, Roland, 14º

Beerman, Adolf, 32º

Behrend, David, 32º

Belcher, Richard, 5, 1, 1, 1, 32º K. C. C. H.

*Bennett, Roger William, 32º

Berg, George Charles, 14º

Berg, Sigmund Francis, 32º

Berger, William Joseph, 32º

Bergman, Adolph, 32º

*Bernhard, Samuel Taylor, 32º

Bernstein, Jacob Alfred, 32º

Bernstein, Samuel, 32º

Berry, Thomas Parker, 32º

Berry, William Robert, 18º

Bessett, Carlton Henry, 14º

Best, Louis Homer, 32º

Beugger, Julius Frederick, 32º

Bianchini, Louis, 32º

Bibbero, Herbert Spencer, 18º

Bibbero, Samuel, 14º

*Bier, Charles Sigmund, 32º

*Bier, Joseph Edward, 32º

Bine, Rene, 32º

Birdsall, Walter Buell, 30º

Birnhack, Benjamin, 32º

Black, Edwin Crane, 14°

Blackman, Ellis Aaron, 32°

Blackman, Oscar Lemuel, 32°

Blackwell, William, 32°

Blanco, Antonio Bua, 14°

Blank, William Caesar, 14°

*Blessing, George John, 32°

Bliss, Walter Danforth, 32°

*Bloch, Abraham Isaac, 32°

Bloch, Henry Maier, 32°

Bloch, Herbert Isaac, 32°

*Bloch, Louis, 32° K. C. C. H.

Block, Archibald Ira, 14°

Blodgett, John Millard, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

*Bloom, David Casper, 32°

Bloom, Joshua Harry, 32°

Bloomer, Samuel Merritt, 32°

Blum, Isidor Leon, 32°

Blum, Max, 32°

Blumenthal, Sello Julius, 32°

Bock, Frank Joseph, 32°

Bock, James Samuel, 32°

Boeken, Marcus William, 18°

Bohls, Henry, 32°

Bohr, Rudolf Henry Oscar, 32°

Boivin, Louis Edmond, 14°

Bolander, Louis Philip, 32°

Bollack, Alphonse, 18°

Bone, Raymond Hawken, 32°

*Bonner, Ernest Chappell, 14°

Borg, Edward Nelson, 32°

Borkheim, William Irwin, 14°

*Bosch, John David, 32°

Boskowitz, Frank, 32° (Life Member Consistory)

*Boskowitz, George Henry, 32°

Bourne, John Philip, 14°

Bousquet, Alphonse Jean, 18°

Bowman, Arthur Eugene, 32°

*Boynton, Albert Eugene, 32°

Brack, Jacob, Jr., 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Bradley, Charles Clarence, 14°

Brand, Arthur, 14°

Brandenstein, Charles, 32°

Brandt, Louis “B”, 32°

Braun, Samuel, 32°

Bray, Nelson Hudison, 14°

Brenner, Gustave, 32°

Breslauer, Louis, 32°

Breslauer, Theodore Louis, 32°

Breuer, Henry Joseph, 32°

Breyman, Frederick, 32°

Brink, Charles Henry, 32°

Brinn, Morris, 32°

Britton, Sam Bradley, 14°

Broad, Alfred Fry, 32°

Broad, Edward James, 32°

Brockmann, George Robert, 32°

*Brodersen, William Edwin, 32°

Brooke, Thomas Jefferson, Jr., 32°

Brown, Abraham Lincoln, 32°

Brown, Bernard Charles, 14°

Brown, Erle Millwater, 32°

Brown, George Wallace, 32°

Brown, Herbert Morris, 32°

Brown, Louis Calvin, 32°

Brownstein, Julius, 32°

Brownstone, Louis “H”, 32°

Bruck, Leo, 32°

Bruer, Ernest Adrian, 32°

Brunings, John Henry, 32°

*Brunswig, James Oscar Ludwig, 32° K. C. C. H.

Brunt, Walter Neat, 32°

*Bryant, Edgar Reeve, 32°

*Buescher, Arthur Gustave, 32°

Bullion, Alfred Hanna, 14°

Bunger, Frederick Christian, 18°

Bunker, William Logan, 14°

Burg, Gustaf Frederick, 32°

*Burner, Henry, 33° Hon.

Bush, Arthur Cleveland, 32°

Butte, Paul Charles, 30°

Butters, Edgar Warren, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Button, Asa Phineas, 14°

Byars, Alfred Henry, 14°


Cahen, David Solomon, 32°

Cahn, Harold Maier, 32°

Cahn, Nathan “A”, 32°

Cailleaud, Henry Alexander, 32°

Cambre, Harry, 32°

Cameron, Edgar Malcolm, 32°

Campbell, George 2, 2, 2, 1, 32°

Canaris, Arthur Henry, 14°

Cannaday, William Auburn, 18°

Cantin, Alexander Aimwell, 32°

Carden, James Herand, 18°

Carfagni, Pietro, 32°

Carlson, Otto Wilhelm, 32°

Carroll, Charles Carrollton, 32°

Carson, Edward Griffin, 14°

Carssow, Felix Hugo, 32°

Case, Mason Nutting, 32°

Cassaretto, John, 32°

Castle, Frederick Lawrence, 18°

Cattermole, John Luder Wilhelm, 14°

Caughey, James Francis, 32°

Cavanagh, Thomas Allen, 18°

Cellarius, Frederick August, 14°

Cerf, Alvin Edgar, 32°

Cerf, Arthur, 32°

Chalfant, Harold Philbrick, 14°

Chalmers, George Martin, 32°

Chamberlain, Samuel Lewis, 32°

Chapman, Fred Lawrence, 32°

Charmak, Edward, 32°

Charmak, Sol, 32°

Charpentier, Edouard Leon, 14°

Chazel, Frank August, 18°

Cherney, Irving Isidor, 30°

Chloupek, Erwin Ladislaf, 32°

Chosson, Justin Noel, 32°

Christ, Ferdinand Franz, 32°

Christensen, Martin August Christian, 32°

Cline, Cecil Cephas, 32°

*Cline, Henry Augustus, 33° Hon.

Clymer, William Thomas, 14°

Cobb, William Lewis, 14°

Coggins, Clifford, 32°

Coggins, Clifford Edmond, 32°

Cohen, Aerie Henry, 18°

Cohen, Charles Chester, 32°

Cohen, Melville, 30°

Cohen, Nathan Joseph, 32°

Cohl, Morris, 14°

Cohn, Abraham Samuel, 32°

Cohn, Carl, 32°

Cohn, Harry, 32°

Cohn, Ralph Lee, 32°

Cohn, Samuel “L”, 18°

Cohn, Theodore, 32°

Cole, Willard Winchell, 18°

Cole, William Lake, 32°

Collins, Samuel Wilson, 32°

Combs, Jerome Bert, 14°

*Conlisk, Charles William, 33° Hon.

Conlisk, Raimon Francis, 32°

*Conn, Edward Elmer, 32° K. C. C. H.

Connick, Harris DeHaven, 14°

Constine, Louis Sanders, 14°

*Cook, Jesse Brown, 32°

Cooper, Charles Gilbert, 32°

Cooper, Frederick Flanders, 14°

Cordano, Giovanni Battista, 32°

Cormack, William, 32°

Corvin, Harry, 32°

Crane, Douglass Barnitz, 32°

Cranz, Louis Theodore, 14°

Creigh, Edward Norton, 14°

Crim, William Henry, 32°

Crist, Wiley Frank, 32°

*Crocker, William Henry, 33° Hon.

Cromwell, Burnside, 32°

Cronin, Ernest Matthew, 14°

Cropley, Marshall Freeman, 14°

Crosett, Edward Franklin, 32°

Crossfield, Otto Johannes, 18°

Crouse, John Miles, 32°

Cumback, William Elbert, 32°

*Cummins, Harle Oren, 32°

Cureton, Edward, 32°

Curlett, William, 32°

Curtaz, Oscar Hugo, 32°

Curtis, Elmer Eaton, 14°



Daggett, William Albertis, 14°

Dahl, Thomas Peter Theodore, 14°

Dameron, John Dysart, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Dannenbaum, Arthur Joseph, 32°

Danziger, Abraham Lincoln, 30°

David, Isaac Lazarus, 32°

*Davidson, John Clay, 32°

Davidson, Joseph Robert, 32°

Davies, James Wiseman, 32°

*Davies, William Abraham, 33° Hon.

Davis, Burt Lincoln, 32°

Davis, Henry Harvey, 32°

Davis, Percy Lionel, 32°

Davis, Sylvan Dubie, 32°

Davison, William, 14°

Day, Donald William, 14°

DeClairmont, Ralph, 33° Hon.

DeLuca, Gesualdo, 32°

Del Valle, Joseph, 32°

Dentici, Salvatore, 32°

Descombes, Elie Edouard, 32°

Deutsch, Solomon, 32°

*Devoto, James Augustus, 32°

DeWinton, William Wilkins, 30°

DeWolfe, Chapman, 18°

Dias, Emanuel Elisha, 18°

Dickinson, Robert Francis, 32°

Dietrich, Benjamin Julius, 32°

Dignan, John Augustus, 32°

Dillman, George Paul, 32°

Dinkelspiel, Henry George Washington, 32°

Disston, Arthur Dixon, 32°

Dobrin, Samuel Leo, 14°

Dobrzensky, Joseph, 32°

Doerr, George, 14°

Dolling, William Henry, 32°

Douglas, William Wallace, 14°

Dove, Louis, 14°

Dowdell, Thomas Oliver, 18°

Dozier, Earnest, 14°

*Duebel, Charles, 32° K. C. C. H.

Dunand, Louis Frank, 32°

Duncan, Albert Marion, 14°

Duncanson, Dugald Henry, 32°

Dunker, John Adolph, 32°

Durfee, Edward Melville, 14°

Duryea, Edwin, Jr., 32°

*Eastwood, Joseph, 32°

Ebbets, Arthur Stevenson, 30°

Eber, Karl, 32°

Eberhart, Adolph, 32°

Ecklon, Christian Frederick, 32°

Ecklon, Lorenz Gottfried, 32°

Eddlemon, Ambus Ozro, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

*Ede, William, 14°

Edelman, Abram Moses, 32°

Edwards, Meyer Aaron, 32°

Ehrlich, Harry Garfield, 14°

Ehrman, Alexis Leon, 32°

Ehrman, Alfred, 32°

Eichrodt, Max, 14°

Eisenbach, Julian, 32°

Eisenberg, Eugene, 14°

Eisenberg, Ignacz Nandor, 32°

Eisner, Milton Sydney, 32°

Elberg, Isidore, 32°

Elberg, Solomon, 32°

Elias, Solomon Philip, 18°

Elkus, Albert Israel, 30°

Elkus, Eugene Samuel, 32°

Ellis, John Craw, 18°

Ellis, Milton, 18°

Emanuel, Joseph Lewis, 32°

Emmal, Frank Seely, 14°

Engalls, Hans, 2, 2, 2, 1, 32°

Engemann, Hermann Louis, 32°

*Englander, Henry Max, 32°

Ensign, Charles P., 18°

Eppinger, Josua, 32° K. C. C. H.

Eppstein, Julius Max, 32°

Epstein, Arthur Philip, 32°

*Erdmann, William George Berthold, 32°

Ericksen, Charles Emil, 14°

*Erickson, Andrew Gottfried, 32°

Eschen, Lee, 32°

Esser, Alexander Julius, 32°

Euphrat, Martin, 32°

*Eva, Samuel James, 32°

Eversole, Keith Cannon, 14°

Ewing, John Worthington Dorsey, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°


Fabre, Albert Joseph Victor, 18°

Falk, Camil Samson, 32°

Faller, Isaac Carrol, 32°

Fankhauser, Albert Julius, 32°

Farabee, Thomas Jackson, 32°

Feige, Ralph Cerf, 14°

Feldenheimer, Alexander, 32°

Ferdun, Charles Marshman, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Ferguson, Phineas Fanning, 32°

Ferrier, George Washington, 32°

Field, Robert Nelson, 14°

*Filmer, George, 32° K. C. C. H.

*Filmer, William Parker, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General

Finberg, Martin Isaac, 32°

Fishel, David, 32°

Fisher, Moses, 32°

Fleet, Albert Edward, 32°

Fleischman, Mathias Reuben, 32°

Fleisig, Frank, 32°

Fleisig, George Lawrence, 18°

Fletcher, William Thomas, 14°

Flint, Thomas, 32°

*Fodera, Antonio, 32°

Foley, Patrick Henry, 32°

Ford, William, 32°

Forestell, Lewis “P”, 32°

Forster, Edwn Lycurgus, 18°

Foster, Arthur William, 32°

Fox, Morris, 32°

Francis, Alfred Ernest, 14°

Frank, Herbert Louis, 32°

Frank, Ludwig, 32°

Frank, Manuel Samuel Houston, 32°

Frankel, Herman, 32°

Frankenberg, Gilbert Michael, 14°

Franklin, George Charles Henry, 14°

*Franklin, Harry Paul, 32°

Frankston, Robert, 32°

Fredericks, George, 32°

Fredrick, Marcus White, 32°

Fredrickson, Hans Gustave, 32°

Freed, Aleas, 32°

French, Charles Edward, 18°

Freyermuth, Otto George, 32°

Friedberg, Jeffreys, 32°

Friedberger, Alexander Valentine, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Friedberger, Joseph, 32°

Friedlander, David, 30°

Friedlander, Louis, 32°

Friedman, Abraham Lincoln, 32°

*Friedman, Harry William, 32°

Friedman, Henry Albert, 32°

Friedman, Israel, 18°

Friedman, Joseph Arthur, 14°

Friedman, Nathaniel William, 32°

Friedman, Samuel “M”, 32°

Frolich, Theodore, 30°

Fuendeling, Louis Wilhelm Theodore, 14°

Fulford, William Gilbert, 32°

Fullerton, Darwin Phelps, 14°

Furbush, William Morey, 18°

Furniss, Herbert Olmsted, 32°


Gabriel, Julius, 32°

Gahlsdorf, William, 14°

Gaines, Frank Stewart, 32°

Gale, Maurice Armand, 14°

Galland, Bernard Beau, 32°

Galland, Edward Ralph, 32°

Gallet, Henry Wells, 32°

Galvin, James Francis, 14°

Gard, John Cecil, 32°

Garden, Frank Macdonald, 14°

Garden, William, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Gardiner, Alexander Smith, 14°

*Gardner, Charles Francis, 32°

Gardner, Isaac, 14°

Gardner, James Carson, 32°

Gardner, Raymond Charles, 14°

Garrett, William Taylor, 30°

Gassaway, James Morsell, 30°

*Gauld, George Green, 32° K. C. C. H.

Gehret, Frederick, 32°

Gelder, David, 32°

Gellert, Isaac, 18°

Genesy, Walter Alexander, 32°

George, Louis Elstner, 32°

Geppert, Clotus Francis, 14°

Gerson, Eric, 18°

Gerson, Isaac, 32°

Getz, Jules Jacob, 32°

Getz, Moses Milton, 32°

Giannini, Egerto, 14°

Gibson, William Roland, 18°

Giles, George Almon, 32°

Gillespie, George Graham, 32°

*Gillespie, William James, 32°

Gilliam, Lawrence Morton, 14°

Gillson, John, 32°

Gilman, Charles Edward, 32°

Ginsberg, Frank Isadore, 14°

Glarner, Arnold Henry, 14°

Glass, Arthur, 32°

Gleason, Yale Xavier, 32°

Glick, Henry, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Godchaux, Edmond, 32°

Goedje, Harry August, 32°

Goetz, Joseph Jean, 32°

Goldman, Isaac, 32°

Goldsmith, Albert Simon, 32°

Goldsmith, Edmond Mark, 32°

Goldsmith, Samuel Edgar, 32°

Goldstein, Alexander, 32°

Goldstein, Joseph Bernard, 32°

Goldstone, Joseph, 32°

Goldstone, Leo William, 32°

Goodday, Jacob Louis, 32°

*Goode, William Beazley, 32°

Goodfellow, Summerfield Isaiah, 32°

Goodfriend, Arnold, 14°

Goodfriend, Isidor, 32°

Goodheart, Clarence Isaac, 32°

Goodman, Jacob Leon, 32°

Gopcevic, Bozo Mitrov, 11, 11, 1, 1, 32°

Gosliner, Harry Benjamin, 32°

Gosling, Ernest Pierce, 14°

*Gradwohl, David, 32°

Graf, Victor Loevy, 14°


Graham, John Neil, 32°

Grandi, Reno Louis, 32°

*Grauerholz, Henry John, 32°

Graupner, Adolphus Ehrhardt, 32°

Gray, Walter Scott, 32°

Green, Aaron Samuel, 32°

*Green, Charles Ernest, 33° Hon.

*Green, Frederick Pell, 32°

Green, Louis David, 32°

Greenebaum, Emil, 14°

Greenebaum, Joseph Leon, 32°

*Gregg, Wellington, Jr., 32°

Gregg, William Stephen, 14°

Gregory, James Robert, 14°

Greutert, Henry, 32°

Griffith, John Wesley, 32°

Gross, Louis, 32°

Grundel, Otto Ferdinand, 32° K. C. C. H.

Grundy, Edmund, 32°

*Guest, Thomas Frederick, 32°

Guggenhime, David Joseph, 32°

Gunst, Joseph Henry, 14°

Gunzburger, Berthold, 32°

Gwynn, Charles Arthur, 14°

*Gyle, Joseph Charles, 32°

*Gyle, Sylvan Herman, 32°


Haehl, Harry Lewis, 14°

Hague, Charles John, 32° K. C. C. H.

Haines, Martin Leopold, 14°

Hale, Frank Orlando, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Hall, Fred “W”, 32°

Hall, Henry, 32°

Hall, Merton Moody, 14°

Hallett, Eugene Barlet, 32°

Hallett, William Hovey, 14°

Halling, Frederick, 32°

Halsted, James Lafayette, 14°

Hammond, Anselm Charles, 32°

Hammond, Frederick William, 32°

Hamner, James Faris, 18°

*Hannah, Jesse Daniel, 32°

*Hanni, Ernest, 32°

Hansen, Lorenz Henry, 32°

Hansmann, Frederick, 32°

Hanson, Petter Hjalmer, 32°

Hardman, Morris, 32°

Harrelson, William Hasting, 32°

Harris, Chester Sigmund, 32°

Harris, Marshall “C”, 32°

Harris, Simon, 32°

Harris, Thomas Voel, 32°

Hart, Frank Loring, 18°

Hart, Henry Hersch, 14°

Hart, Morton Edwin, 14°

Hart, Oscar Herman, 32°

Hart, Stephen Charles, 32°

Hartman, Paul, 32°

Hartranft, William Grant, 32°

Haskell, Greenlief Adelbert, 14°

Haslacher, Alfred “B”, 32°

Hasman, Charles Joseph, 32°

Haste, Lawrence Beverly, 18°

Hatch, James Henry, 32°

Hatcher, James Berry, 32°

Haub, Charles Conrad, 18°

Haub, Louis, 32°

Hawksley, Alexander, 32°

Hayward, Warren Bradford, 32°

Hazlett, James, 14°

Hazlett, John, 30°

Heald, Clarence Edward, 32°

Heald, Edward Payson, 32°

Heidt, Wesley, 32°

Heineberg, Jacob “A”, 32°

Heineberg, Joseph, 32°

Heinecke, Paul William, 32°

Heineman, Irving Scott, 32°

Heineman, Olul Johan, 14°

Heitmuller, Henry Dietrich, 32°

Heller, Emanuel Siegfried, 32° K. C. C. H.

Henricks, Edward Marshall, 32°

Hensley, George Augustus, 32°

*Herbst, Herschel Herman, 32°

*Herbst, Jacob, 32°

Hertz, Hugo, 14°

Hertzmann, Leo, 14°

Heuer, George Frederick, 32°

Hewson, Herbert Lester, 32°

Heyneman, Herman, 32°

Hildebrandt, Carlos Neuer, 32°

Hillman, John Reuben, 14°

Hines, Lloyd Ballantyne, 32°

Hirsch, Barnard “J”, 18°

Hirsch, David, 18°

Hirtzler, Victor, 32°

Hochheimer, Ira, 32°

Hochheimer, Monroe, 18°

Hoefler, Ludwig Mathias, 18°

Hoeflich, Max Frederick Karl, 32°

Hoffman, John, 32°

Hoffman, William Joseph, 32°

Hoffmaster, Charles Augustus, 32°

Hofmann, Alfred Elias, 32°

Hollidge, Harry Hamlin, 32°

Hollub, Samuel Simon, 32°

Holzberg, David, 32°

Holzmuller, Karl Frederick, Jr., 32°

Hoover, George Spencer, 32°

Hopkins, James Brownlaw, 32°

*Hopkins, Timothy, 33° Hon.

Horstmann, William John, 32°

Horstmeyer, Frederick, 14°

Hosmer, Frank Wickes, 14°

Houseworth, Harrison, 32°

Howe, Louis Philippe, 32°

Huebel, Walter Raymond, 14°

Huggins, Walter Samuel, 32°

Hughes, John Hugh, 32°

Huguenin, Adolph, 32°

Hummel, Matthew George, 32°

*Humphrey, Charles Franklin, 32°

Humphrey, Omar James, 32°

Humphreys, William Penn, 18°

Hyman, Henry, 32°


Iaccheri Garibaldi, 32°

Iaccheri, Leo “O”, 14°

Iberson, Robert Thadeus, 32°

Isaacs, David, 18°

Ivanovich, Martin, 32°


Jack, John Turnbull, 18°

*Jacks, Henry, 32°

Jackson, Charles Edward, 14°

Jacobi, Alexander, 32°

Jacobi, Joseph Maier, 18°

*Jacobovics, Philipp, 32° K. C. C. H.

Jacobs, Abraham, 11, 1, 1, 1, 32°

Jacobs, Alfred “B”, 32°

Jacobs, Charles, 11, 1, 1, 1, 32°

Jacobs, Douglas Reis, 14°

Jacobs, Harold Wihl, 32°

Jacobs, Henry Albert, 32°

Jacobs, Himmie “W”, 11, 1, 1, 1, 32°

Jacobs, Isidor, 32°

Jacobs, Manuel Joseph, 32°

Jacobs, Monroe Barnard, 14°

Jacobs, Samuel Nicholas, 32°

Jacobsen, Halvor Julius Thorwald, 32°

Jacobson, Charles, 32°

Jacobson, Emil, 4, 6, 5, 1, 32°

Jacoby, Harry, 32°

Jacoby, Julius Herman, 32°

James, Charles Herbert, 32°

James, Frank, 14°

James, John Clarence, 32°

Janes, Thomas Ingles, 32°

Jaulus, Bernat, 32°

Jensen, Christopher Julius, 14°

*Jerusalem, Henry, 9, 1, 1, 1, 32°

Jessup, Edgar Briggs, 30°

Jessup, John DeLamater, 32°

Jillson, Isaac Oliver, 32°

Joel, Arthur, 32°

Johansen, Christian, 32°

Johnson, Augustus, 32°

Johnson, Charles Thorwald, 32°

Johnson, Harry Lee, 32°

*Johnson, Mathias, 32°

Johnson, Oscar, 14°

Johnson, Oscar Walfred, 14°

Johnson, Otto Bernard, 14°

*Johnson, Peter, 32°

*Johnson, Roosevelt, 32°

Johnson, Walter Perry, 32°

Jones, Arthur Owen, 14°

Jones, Bert Russell, 14°

Jones, Humphrey Llewellyn, 14°

Jones, John Richard, 32°

Jones, Robert, 32°

Jorgensen, Peter, 18°

Joseph, Bernard Julius, 14°

Joseph, Joseph, 32°

Juda, Leon, 32°

*Judis, Alphonse, 32°

Juel, Adolph Oliver, 32°


Kahn, Frederick, 32°

Kahn, Leon Lippman, 18°

Kalmuk, Louis, 32°

Kanzee, Austin, 32°

Kasper, John Antone, 32°

Katschinski, Alfred, 32°

Katschinski, Bernard, 32°

Katten, Simon, 32°

Katz, Bert, 14°

*Kauffman, Leon, 32°

Kazebeer, Asa Guy, 14°

Kearney, William Bernard, 32°

Keene, Reginald Edward Guy, 32°

*Keesling, Francis Valentine, 33° Hon.

Keilus, Henry Moses, 32°

Kelly, William Wesley, 18°

Kempston, Arthur, 14°

Kenne, Frank George, 32° K. C. C. H.

Kennedy, Franklin Hayes, 32°

Kennedy, George Washington, 14°

Kent, Samuel Henry, 32°

*Kent, Thaddeus Benning, 33° Hon.

Kidd, Arthur, 14°

Kierski, Samuel, 14°

*Kimball, Roy Thurston, 32°

Kimble, Liston, 32°

King, William Harry, 32°

Kirch, Louis Theodore, 14°

Kirk, William Shermer, 32°

Kissel, Isidor, 32°

Klein, John Mathias, 32°

Kleinhans, Louis, 32°

*Kline, George Washington, 32°

Klinger, Myron Herbert, 18°

Klinger, William Mark, 32°

Klinker, Carl Victor, 14°

Klumpp, Otto Henry, 32°

Knight, Robert Brittain, 32°

Knippenberg, Frank Rudolph, 32°

Knippenberg, George Ernst, 32°

Knoch, Isaac, 32°

*Knopfmacher, Maurice Henry, 32°

Kochman, Michael “J”, 32°

*Koenig, Frank, 33° Hon.

Kohlberg, Manfred Selig, 32°

Konrad, Joseph Leopold, 30°

Korn, Eugene, 32°

*Koshland, Max Isidor, 32°

Kowalsky, Henry Isaac, 32°

*Kraus, Benjamin, 32°

Krog, Peter Christian, 12, 9, 1, 1, 32°

Kugler, Elbert Jay, 32°

Kullman, Jacob, 32°

Kutner, Abraham Lincoln, 32°

Kutner, Alfred, 32°

Kutz, Jesse Warde, 14°


Lachman, Albert, 32°

Lachman, Edward, 32°

Lachman, Gustave, 32°

Lackeman, Charles Emil, 14°

Lada, Edward Bronislaw, 32°

*Lafee, Manuel, 32° K. C. C. H.

Lafee, Marcus, 32°

Lagomarsino, Louis Andrew, 32°

Land, George Burton, 32°

Lange, Charles Edward, 32°

Langlois, Francis Bernard, 14°

Lansburgh, Simon Lazarus, 32°

Lapidaire, Harry, 32°

Large, William Henry, 32°

Larkin, Harry, 32°

Latham, William Kenley, 14°

*Latz, Sylvain Simon, 32°

Lauffer, Charles, 32°

Laughton, James, 32°

*Law, Hartland, 32°

*Lawrence, James, 32°

Lazenby, John Ford, 18°

Lear, Frederick, Jr., 30°

Lear, Frederick Sr., 32°

Lear, Herbert Sharman, 18°

Lederer, Gustave, 14°

Lederer, Herman, 18°

Lee, Darcy Edgar, 32°

Lee, Frank James, 14°

Lee, Lonnie Heyward, 32°

Lehrfeld, Moses David, 32°

Leibold, Jacob George, 30°

Leichter, Mark Melville, 32°

Leiser, Abraham Harrison, 14°

Leland, Harry Everrett, 18°

Lenoir, Gustave Abraham, 32°

Leopold, Samuel, 32°

Lester, Henry Charles, 18°

Levaggi, “G” “B”, 32°

Levenson, Samuel Millard, 32°

Levey, Edgar Coleman, 18°

Levi, Ben, 32°

Levi, Samuel, 32°

Levin, Abraham, 32°

Levin, Joseph “E”, 32°

Levin, Maurice Everett, 32°

Levingston, Harry, 32°

Levingston, Lafayette, 32°

Levison, Benjamin, 32°

Levison, Charles Gabriel, 32°

Levison, Robert John, 32°

Levit, Adolf Elkan, 18°

Levy, Aaron “B”, 14°

Levy, Adolf, 32°

Levy, Armand David, 32°

Levy, Charles, 32°

Levy, Eugene Montefiore, 32°

Levy, Eugene Walter, 32°

Levy, Harold Walter, 32°

Levy, Henry, 32°

*Levy, Herbert, 32°

Levy, Jack Morris, 32°

Levy, Jesse Joseph, 14°

Levy, Joseph, 32°

Levy, Louis, 32°

Levy, Louis, 32°

Levy, Louis, 32°

Levy, Mark Washington, 32°

Levy, Melville Samuel, 32°

Levy, Nyman, 32°

*Levy, Samuel Wolf, 33° Hon.

Levy, Solomon Jacob, 14°

Levy, William Herman, 32°

Lewis, Clarence Edward, 18°

Lewis, Emanuel, 32°

*Lewis, Emanuel, 32°

Lewis, Jacob Emil, 32°

*Lewis, William, 32° K.C.C.H., (Life Member Consistory)

Liberoth, Niels West, 18°

Lichtig, Jacob Samuel, 18°

Liebling, Samuel, 32°

Liebman, Lloyd Harry, 32°

*Liederman, Benjamin, 32°

Lilienthal, Ernest Reuben, 32°

Linderman, Samuel Willard, 32°

Lindner, August Richard, 14°

Lindner, Ernest Gottlieb, 32°

Lindsay, Charles McKerral, 32°

Linne, John Conrad, 32°

Linnell, Allan Sylvester, 32°

Lipman, George Morris, 32°

Lipman, Joseph Carroll, 14°

Lippman, George “W”, 32°

Lissner, Abraham Leslie, 32°

Littlehales, Frederick, 32°

Lloyd, Hugh John, 32°

Loeb, Albert Isidor, 32°

Loewinsky, Bruno Jacob, 14°

Logan, Roscoe Lee, 32°

Long, Percy Vincent, 32°

Long, Seely Frederick, 32°

Longley, Francis Beatty, 32°

Lonigo, Emil Victor, 32°

Lord, Frank, 32°

Lorenz, William Henry, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

*Louisson, Edward Baum, 32°

Lowenstein, Benard, 32°

Lucas, Walter Edward, 32°

Lucy, Roscoe Warren, 32°

Luhn, Morton John, 14°

Lund, Charles, 32°

Lunt, George William, 32°

Lustig, Daniel David, 32°

Lynch, James Francis, 32°


Maass, Henry William, 14°

MacBride, Colvin “G” “H”, 32°

Mace, Lewis Sayre, 14°

Mack, Simon, 32°

Mackay, Ralph Stuart, 32°

Mackenzie, Allister, 14°

MacKillop, Archibald, 32°

*Madison, James, 32°

Maher, David Francis, 32°

Maier, Edward Richard, 32°

Malott, Watson Howard, 14°

Mancke, William Shannon, 14°

*Manheim, Henry Simon, 33° Hon.

Mannel, George Frederick, 14°

*Manning, Horatio Seymour, 32°

Marble, William Manton, 14°

Marchant, Herbert Ewart, 14°

Marcus, Siegfried, 32°

Markewitz, Milton, 30°

Marks, Leon Heilbron, 32°

Marks, William, 32°

Markwitz, Louis, 32°

Marquard, Henry, 32°

Marrack, Reginald Bernard Christian, 14°

Marsh, John Alfred, 14°

*Marston, Frank Wheeler, 32°

Martell, Harry Gaylord, 32°

Martin, Alexander, 32°

Martin, Milton Farney, 32°

Martin, Oliver Brooks, 32°

Marx, Melville, 32°

Marx, Monroe Lloyd, 14°

Matheson, Duncan, 32°

Mathewson, Clifford Earle, 32°

Mathieson, Chester Smith, 32°

Mattern, Edelbert Franklin, 14°

Mattern, Frank Herman, 14°

Mattern, Henry John, 32°

Mattern, Herman, 14°

Mattern, John Hanlon, 14°

Mau, Charles Albert, 32°

*Mauser, Henry, 32°

*Mauzy, Byron, 32°

May, Angelo “M”, 32°

Maydwell, Charles Allen, 32°

*Mayer, Emanuel Belasco, 32°

Mayer, Nate, 32°

Mazor, Milton, 32°

Mazor, Morris, 18°

McAlister, Adam Armstrong, 5, 1, 1, 1, 32°

McAlpin, James Daniel, 14°

McBirney, Hugh, 32°

*McCarty, James, 32°

McCaw, William Nassau, 14°

McClurg, James “A”, 6, 8, 8, 1, 32°

*McCord, Thomas, 32°

McCurdy, Hugh, 32°

McFarland, Thomas Dunn, 32°

McGill, James Helm, 32°

McGilvray, Harry Sturrock, 18°

McGilvray, John Duff, Jr., 32°

McGilvray, John Duff, Sr., 32°

McGowan, Frank, 32°

McGowen, Elmer Hoover, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

McKay, William, 32°

*McKee, Charles Dunlap, 32°

McKee, Wilbur John, 32°

McKee, William Joseph, 32°

McKenna, Joseph Dimond, 32°

McLaren, Archibald Rowan, 32°

McLeod, Duncan Angus, 18°

McMillan, John Gilmore, 13, 10, 1, 1, 32°

McShea, George Earle, 32°

Meley, Frank, 32°

Mennie, Alexander, 32°

Merten, Max, 14°

Messner, Charles Hagle, 18°

Meyer, Harry, 32°

Meyer, Herman Carson, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

*Meyer, Marcus Cauffman, 32°

Meyer, Martin Solomon, 14°

Meyer, Percy Jasper, 30°

Meyer, Samuel “O”, 32°

Michaels, Benjamin Kneephauser, 32°

Mierson, Max, 32°

Milburn, Ethelbert, 32°

Miles, Earle Claybourne, 32°

Miller, Adam, 32°

Miller, Harry Abraham, 32°

Miller, Jesse, 14°

Miller, Jesse Harrison, 32°

Miller, Oscar Ewell, 32°

Miller, Richard Elgin, 32°

*Miller, Thurlow Spragge, 32°

Miller, Walter, 32°

Minaker, Andrew Jones, 32°

Mish, Gerald, 32°

*Mitchell, Burr Hudson, 32°

*Moebus, Frederick William Gustave, 33° Hon.

*Moelk, Henry Peter, 32°

Mohr, Henry Rudolph, 32°

Mohr, Selby, 32°

Moll, Francis Oliver, 32°

Monasch, David, 14°

Monckton, Frank Daniel, 32°

Moore, John William, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Mooser, William, 32°

Morel, Charles Frank, 32°

Morgan, William Russell, 32°

Morin, Hercules Andre, 32°

Morris, Amiel, 32°

Morris, David Reese, 14°

Morris, Edward Hart, 32°

Morris, Herman, 32°

Morris, Jules Ira, 32°

Morris, Leon Ephraim, 32°

Morris, Saul Nathan, 32°

Morris, Simon, 32°

Morrison, James Renshaw, 14°

Morrow, Almond Raleigh, 14°

Morse, Edmund Elliott, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Moseley, Clarence Lathrop, 14°

Moss, Clarence Eugene, 32°

Moss, Herman, 32°

Mottet, Henry, 32°

Moulton, George Henry, 32°

Muench, Albert, 32°

*Muirhead, Thomas, 32° K. C. C. H.

Munch, Robert, 32° (Life Member Consistory)

Munro, Duncan Murdoch, 32°

Munter, Bernard, 32°

Munter, Bernard, 14°

Munter, Carl, 32°

Murphy, Charles Henry, 30°

Murray, Duncan Stuart, 32°

Murray, John Houston, 14°

Murray, Percy Victor, 14°

Murray, Robert, 14°

Muscio, Dante Roger, 32°

Musso, John, 32°


Myer, Arthur Henry, 14°

Myers, Arthur Less, 14°

Myers, Leland Stanford, 32°

Myers, Mark “C”, 18°

Myers, Robert, 14°

Myrson, Simon, 32°


Nagel, Carl Siegried Gunther, 32°

Nathan, Herman, 32°

Nathan, Louis David, 32°

Nathan, Paul, 14°

*Neal, George Folger, 32°

Nelson, Andrew, 32°

Nelson, Fernando, 32°

Nelson, James Everett, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Nelson, John Edwin, 14°

*Nelson, Nels Lawrence, 32°

Nelson, William Alonzo, 32°

Nelson, William Matthew, 3, 3, 3, 1, 32°

Nerney, Thomas Alexis, 32°

Neuer, Carl, 32°

Neuhaus, Christian Henry, 32°

Neustadter, Louis William, 32°

Neustadter, Newton Henry, 32°

Newbauer, George Stephen, 32°

Newburgh, Henry, 14°

*Newcomb, Bethuel Merritt, 32°

*Newhouse, Hugo David, 32°

*Newhouse, William Daniel, 32°

Newman, George Howard, 32°

Newman, Ignatz, 14°

Newman, Jerome, 32°

Newman, Leopold, 32°

Newman, Lester, 32°

Nichols, Hiram Dellbert, 32°

Nicoll, Wallace Clifton, 32°

Nienburg, William John, 32°

Nish, Frederick William, 32°

Nixon, Thomas, 32°

Noble, Arthur Morgan, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Noonan, John Hayes, 32°

Nordman, Harry, 32°

*Normand, Emil Henri, 32°

Norwood, Henry Havelock, 32°

Nowell, Howard Wallace, 14°

Nutting, Charles Wilbur, 30°


Olcovich, Julian Herman, 32°

Olson, John Petter, 14°

Oppenheimer, Albert Henry, 32°

Oppenheimer, Leopold, 32°

Orbison, David Rush, 32°

Orme, Bernard William, 32°

Ormsby, Edgar Lionel, 30°

Osman, Charles Clay, 14°

*Ottenheimer, Sigmund William, 32°

Otzen, Lorenz, 32°

Overgaard, Soren Knudsen, 32°

Overmohle, John Louis, 32°


Packscher, Maurice Goodtime, 32°

Park, Earl Gentry, 32°

Parker, William Boyd, 32°

Patridge, Clifton Clark, 32°

*Patton, Charles Lewis, 33° Hon.

*Peabody, Robert Austin, 32° K. C. C. H.

Pearlstein, Charles Sol, 14°

Peiser, Solomon, 32°

Pels, Louis Edward, 32°

*Pennington, George William, 32°

Pennington, Joseph “H”, 14°

Pensa, Joseph, 18°

Perine, George Mairs, 32° K. C. C. H.

*Perkins, George Russell, 32°

Peters, Frank Henry, 32°

Peters, Roland Albert, 14°

Peterson, Andrew Jackson, 32°

Peterson, Charles Gustaf Ferdinand, 32°

Peterson, Henry Clarence, 32°

Peterson, Ivan Leopold, 30°

Peterson, James Peter, 32°

Peterson, Julius Ola, 32°

Pfingst, Ferdinand Louis, 14°

Phelps, Asa Hosmer, 32°

Phelps, Frank Augustus, 30°

Phelps, George Wesley, 32°

Pickett, Jesse Cameron, 30°

Pierson, Bernhard, 32°

*Pike, Boaz David, 32°

Pinkham, Charles Bradley, 14°

Pinkson, Leon Jacob, 32°

Pinney, Louis Owen, 14°

Plante, Joseph Henry, 32°

Platt, Philemon Eli, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Plaut, Carl Sali, 32°

Plummer, Howard Clark, 32°

Podesta, Luciano Roberto, 14°

Pontacq, Joseph, 18°

Pool, William Henry, 32°

Pope, James Bond, 32°

Porcher, John, 32°

Powell, Barton Jerome, 32°

Price, Abraham Robert, 32°

Price, Godfrey, 18°

Price, Harry Isador, 32°

Priddle, Milton, 14°

Prince, Fred Munro, 18°

Prissman, Eugene, 32°

*Proll, William Reginald, 32°

Purdy, William Orville, 14°

Purrington, Clarence Woodford, 14°


Quail, Frank Eugene, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Quinn, George William, 14°


Raabe, Frederick Otto, 32°

Ragland, Rufus Ely, 32°

Ramond, Jules, 32°

Ramsay, William James, 14°

*Ranft, Henry Andrew, 32° K. C. C. H.

Rapheld, Maurice Lehman, 18°

Rasmussen, Hans Peter, 14°

Rasmussen, Peter, 14°

Raymond, Earl Frederick, 18°

Read, Alfred Christopher Piggott, 32°

Read, Bill, 30°

Read, William Parsons, 32°

Redwood, Walter Robert, 14°

Reid, Robert Asa, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Reinhart, Edgar, 14°

*Reinhart, Manfred, 32°

Reinheimer, Isidor, 32°

Reis, Harry William, 32°

Reiss, Emile, 32°

Remington, William Harvey, 32°

Renner, George, 32°

Rey, Leon Martin, 32°

Reyman, Harold Cleveland, 14°

Rhine, Albert Aaron, 32°

Rhine, Elias, 32°

Rhine, Samuel, 14°

Rice, Philip, 32°

Rice, William Akerman, 14°

Rich, Alfred Joseph, 32°

*Rich, Arthur Milton, 32°

Richards, John Francis, 32°

Richardson, William Delos, 32°

Riemer, Herbert Rudolph, 18°

Rier, August Frederick, 18°

*Riess, John William, 32°

Rittigstein, Jacob Meyer, 14°

Roberts, John Griffith, 32°

Roberts, Joseph “W”, 32°

Robinson, Isaac Henry, 32°

Robinson, Oscar Maynard, 32°

Robison, James Leman, 32°

Roemer, Oscar Max, 14°

Roesch, Louis, 32°

Roethe, Edward John, 32°

Rogers, Charles Sumner, 14°

Roller, Josiah Wickerd, 32°

Rosenbaum, Albert Sidney, 32°

Rosenbaum, Samuel Moses, 32°

Rosenberg, Harold Bush, 11, 11, 1, 1, 32°

Rosenberg, Melville, 32°

Rosenberg, Melville Benjamin, 32°

Rosencrantz, Samuel, 32°

*Rosenfeld, Leo, 32°

Rosenshine, Albert Adolph, 32°

Rosenthal, Henry, 18°

Rosenthal, Isadore, 32°

Rosenthal, Nathan, 32°

Ross, Arthur Gilbert, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Ross, Walter Gordon, 14°

Rossi, Benedetto Francesco, 32°

Rostein, Louis Albert, 32°

Rothchild, Herbert Lionel, 32°

Rothkopf, Albert Peter, 32°

Roumente, Vincent, 18°

*Ruckstell, John Rudolph, 33° Hon.

Rudee, Henry Elkan, 32°

Ruff, Daniel, 14°

Runkle, Milton Bell, 32°

Rupp, George Paul, 32°

Rush, Benjamin Franklin, 32°

Russell, Alexander, 32°

Russell, John Edward, 32°

Ryan, Russell Colquhoun, 18°

Rylander, George William, 32°


Saffold, Ray Phillips, 14°

Salbach, Lloyd Fillmore, 14°

Salomon, Melville Newman, 14°

Salomon, Sigmund, 32°

Salsbury, Charles, 18°

Salter, Frederick Whitcomb, 32°

Salz, Edward, 32°

Salzman, Isaac, 32°

Sammis, Harold De Witt, 18°

Sammis, Walter Edward, 32°

Sampson, William Ashford, 32°

Sams, Homer Lash, 14°

*Samuels, Albert Samuel, 32°

Samuels, Leon, 32°

Sanches, Gardner Gilman, 14°

Sanders, William Attwood, 32°

Sapiro, Aaron Leland, 32°

Sapiro, Philip Herman, 32°

Savannah, Michael, 32°

Saxe, Robert Edward, 32°

Sayers, William Boxwell, 32°

Scally, John Edward, 32°

Scalmanini, Antonio “B”, 32°

Scalmanini, Giovanni, 32°

*Schetzel, Adolph George, 32°

Schlesselmann, Herman Henry, 14°

Schlessinger, Charles, 32°

*Schloss, Aaron, 32°

Schlueter, Frederick Charles, 14°

Schluter, Henry Arnold, 32°

Schmidt, Herman August Theodore, 32°

Schmulian, Alfred, 30°

Schnee, Gustave, 32°

Schneider, Alfred Bernard, 14°

Schneider, David Nathan, 32°

Schneider, William, 14°

Schoenwald, Emil Theodore, 14°

Schons, Otto Herbert, 32°

Schroeder, Henry Christian, 14°

Schuhl, Ferno, 32°

Schuhl, Leon, 32°

Schulz, Adolf Henry, 14°

Schussler, Henry, 32°

Schwab, Henry Frederick, 32°

Schwabacher, Franklin, 32°

Schwartz, Morris, 30°

Schwartz, William Milton, 32°

Schwarz, Charles, 32°

Schwarz, Jacob, 32°

Schwarzenbek, Franz Xaver, 32°

Scott, Robert Thomas, 18°

Scott, William Lane, 32°

Seeligsohn, Selig Max, 32°

Seike, Richard Brooker, 32°

Seiller, Laurent Michel, 32°

Selig, Arthur Edwin, 32°

Semmel, Edward, 32°

Serveau, Emile, 32°

Sessions, Samuel Eberley Gross, 32°

*Sewell, Daniel Robert, 32°

Shafer, Frank Ellsworth, 32°

Shafsky, Albert, 32°

Shainwald, Charles Louis, 32°

Shannon, Carleton William, 32°

Shapiro, George Harry, 32°

Sharp, James Cohen, 32°

Sheehan, William Raymond, 18°

Shephard, Vernon Charles Douglas, 14°

Shepherd, Ray Clifton, 32°

Sherman, William Albert, 32°

*Shetterley, John “L” “M”, 32° K. C. C. H.

Siebenhauer, Lester, 32°

Siebenhauer, Salomon, 32°

Sill, George Wellington, 32°

Silver, Robert Napier, 32°

Silverman, Moritz, 32°

Simmen, Frank Paul, 18°

Simon, Albert, 32°

Simon, Eli Harry, 14°

Simon, Harry Lewis, 32°

Simon, Irwin Blaine, 32°

*Simon, Martin Ephraim, 32°

Simon, Samuel Samuel, 32°

Simpson, Henry Robert, 32°

Simpson, James, 32°

Simpson, William McPaque, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Sims, John MacKenzie, 14°

Sinsheimer, Samuel Charles, 32°

Sinz, John Arthur, 14°

Skoog, Sidney Paul, 32°

Smiley, Samuel Patton, 32°

Smith, Archie Ferguson, 14°

Smith, Bert “P”, 14°

Smith, Charles Caswell, 32°

Smith, Dempsey Dillworth, 32°

Smith, Frank Ellison, 32°

*Smith, Frank Wesley, 33° Hon.

Smith, Harry Lewis, 32°

Smith, Walter Egerton, 32°

*Smith, William Jacob, 33° Hon.

Smythe, James Hudson, 32°

Snow, Frank Jotham, 32°

*Snow, Samuel, 32°

Sobel, Max Marcus, 14°

Solomon, Herbert Adolph, 14°

*Somers, Frank Alton, 32°

Sommer, Max, 32°

*Sorensen, James Anderson, 32°

Southard, Albert Burley, 14°

Spear, Lewis Eugene, 30°

Specht, Charles, 14°

Spence, James Underhill, 32°

Spencer, Allan Thomas, 32°

Spencer, Frederick Furman, 32°

Speyer, Walter Morris, 32°

Spiegl, Louis Martin, 32°

Sprague, Stanley, 32°

*Spreckels, John Diedrich, 33° Hon.

Spreckels, John Diedrich, Jr., 32°

Stahle, Harold John, 14°

Stallman, Frank Oscar, 32°

*Stanley, James, 32°

Stapff, Frederick William, 32°

Stark, David, 32°

Stein, Samuel, 14°

Steinbach, Henry, 32°

Steiner, Joseph Samuel, 32°

Steinman, Irving Leland, 32°

Steinmann, Otto, 32°

Stelling, Martin, 32°

Stephens, Luther Cox, 32°

Stevenson, Frank Edward, 14°

*Stevenson, Samuel Boyd, 32° K. C. C. H.

Stewart, Brenton Rupel, 32°

Stewart, Edward Clement, 12, 9, 9, 1, 33° Hon.

Stich, Benjamin Mitchell, 32°

Stidger, Oliver Perry, 32°

St. Jullien, Paul, 18°

Stockman, Ralph, 32°

Stone, Benjamin Lester, 32°

Stone, Leon Daniel, 32°

Stranahan, Harry Ozro, 14°

Strange, Ralph Rea, 32°

Stratford, Frank Cornish, 32°

Straus, Louis, 32°

Straus, Sylvan, 14°

Strauss, Max Nessel, 32°

Strauss, Michael, 18°

Strickler, John Conrad, 32°

Strickler, William Conrad, 14°

*Strom, Christian, 32°

Strome, Edward Bernard, 32°

Strouse, Charles James, 18°

Stuparich, Stephen John, 32°

Sudheimer, Arthur George, 14°

Sues, Otto Louis, 14°

Sullivan, William Charles, 18°

Susman, Leo Henry, 32°

Susskind, Sylvan “H”, 32°

Suttman, Frederick Parker, 14°



Taylor, Charles Albert, 32°

Taylor, Herbert Vaughn, 32°

Taylor, Philip Bates, 32°

Taylor, William Henry, 32°

Teall, Edward Oliver, 32°

Thiele, Edmund Henry, 32°

Thierbach, Charles Frederick, 32°

Thomas, George Washington, 18°

Thompson, James Ellsworth, 4, 6, 5, 1, 32°

Thompson, Robert John, 14°

Thomson, Stuart Coventry, 18°

Thorp, Henry Walker, 32°

Tietjen, John Edward, 14°

Tilley, Charles Jacob, 14°

*Tilton, Robert Fletcher, 32°

Tittel, Robert Carl, 32°

Tolley, William Edward, 32°

Tonini, Michael Gaudent, 32°

Torello, Emil Nicholas, 18°

Towne, Arthur Gowing, 32°

Towne, Burton Augustus, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Trachman, Henry Jerome, 11, 1, 1, 1, 32°

Triest, Joseph, 32°

Triest, Martin, 32°

Troutt, James Morris, 32°

Tuckey, Harry William, 32°

Turbitt, William Alexander, 32°

Turpin, Andrew Walker, 32°

Tway, Ephraim Foster, 32°

Twitchings, James Edgar, Jr., 32°

*Tyson, Robert James, 32°



Ulfelder, William Henry, 32°

Ulsteen, John George, 14°

Umbsen, Gustave Henry, 32° K. C. C. H.

Umbsen, Henry Philip, 32°

Unger, Isador, 14°

Ungermann, Gustave John Christopher, 32°

Upham, Walter Fuller, 32°


Valsangiacomo, Luigi, 32°

*Van Buren, George Martin, 32° K. C. C. H.

Van Emon, Burton Charles, 32°

Van Luven, Herman, 32°

*Van Schaick, Frank Chester, 33° Hon.

Van Schaick, Roynane Huntsman, 14°

*Varcoe, George, 32° K. C. C. H.

Vaughn, William Weaver, 14°

Vialatte, Etienne, 32°

Vogliazzo, Frederick, 14°

*Von der Lieth, Harold Otto, 32°

Vorrath, Henry Albert, 14°

*Voyce, Alfred, 32°


Wacholder, Joel, 18°

Wachs, Lionel, 32°

Wagener, Francis Emil, 32°

*Wagner, Charles Augustus William, 33° Hon.

Wakefield, Clark Gardner, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Waldenmeier, August, 32°

Waldeyer, Wilhelm, 32°

Waldstein, Albert, 32°

Wales, Blake Barlow, 14°

Walkinshaw, Wilfred Henry, 14°

Wallace, Benjamin Carpenter, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Wallace, Lew Edward, 32°

Wallace, Robert, 32°

Wallenstein, Herman Moses, 32°

*Walter, Nathan Leon, 32°

*Walter, Sanford Frederick, 32°

*Wanstall, William Sidney, 32°

Warden, Russell Harvey, 14°

Waring, Harry Monroe, 32°

Wasserman, Edwin Adams, 32°

Wasserman, Milton Lesem, 32°

Waterhouse, Lincoln Orrin, 32°

Wechter, Abraham, 32°

Weed, Abner, 32°

Wehser, William Emil, 32°

Weidenthal, Samuel Harry, 14°

Weinshenk, Charles, 32°

Weinshenk, Sydney, 14°

Weinstein, Morris, 32°

Weiss, Milton, 32°

Welch, Herbert Warren, 32°

*Welch, Willard Choate, 32° K. C. C. H.

Wertheimer, Aubrey Robert, 14°

Wertheimer, Kaufman, 32°

West, Ernest Leonard, 14°

West, John, 14°

Westcott, George Massey, 32°

Westhofer, Henry, 32°

Westphal, Otto Frank, 32°

Weyl, Bertin Alfred, 32°

Wheeler, Charles Stetson, 32°

Whicher, John, 32°

White, Clyde Norman, 14°

White, William James, 14°

Whited, Jesse Meigs, 32° K. C. C. H.

Whiting, Randolph Virginius, 14°

Wildenradt, Herbert Louis, 14°

Wilder, James Chase, 32°

Willard, Joseph Maurice, 32°

Willard, Maurice, 32°

Williams, Alexander Francis, 18°

Williams, Henry Alston, 32°

Williams, Robert George, Jr., 32°

Wilson, George Hazelton, 14°

Wilson, Jeremiah Judson, 32°

Wilson, Robert Henry, 18°

Winter, Morris Jacob, 14°

Wishar, John Herman, 30°

Wither, William Matthew, 30°

Wittich, Theophilus Keffer, 32°

Wobber, Herman, 14°

Wolbach, Karl, 32°

Wolf, Edward, 32°

Wolf, Emanuel Myron, 32°

Wolf, Jacob William, 8, 5, 1, 1, 32°

Wolf, Walter, 14°

Wolfe, Ira Jay, 32°

Wolff, Harry Keller, 32°

Wolff, Morris, 32°

Wolff, Simon, 32°

Wolff, William, 32°

Wollenberg, Charles Maurice, 32°

Wolpmann, Diedrich, 32°

Woodman, Ernest Deaderick, 32°

Woods, Claud Emery, 12, 9, 9, 1

Woodside, Alexander, 32°

Woolfrey, John Bunyan, 14°

*Word, William Wallace, 32°

*Wright, John Wesley, 30° (Life Member Lodge of Perfection.)

Wuersching, John Berthold, 32°


Young, James Harry, 32°

Young, Noren Douglas, 32°


Zehnder, Rudolph, 14°

*Zellerbach, Isidore, 32°

*Zellerbach, Jacob Charles, 32°

Zemansky, Joshua Henry, 32°

Zentner, Julius, 32°

Zimet, Harry Isadore, 32°

Zimmerman, Sam Herman, 12, 9, 9, 1, 32°

Zobel, Alfred Jacob, 32°

Zobel, Newton Robert, 32°







San Francisco Chapter of Rose Croix No. 1

Chartered July 13, 1868







Sovereign Grand Commander



Sovereign Grand Secretary General



Sovereign Grand Inspector General

in Northern District of California



Secretary, Recorder, Registrar

1290 Sutter St., Phone Franklin 74

Residence, 1528 Sutter Street

Phone West 152B

San Francisco Lodge of Perfection No. 1

Chartered June 15, 1868












Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry For the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California” by SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE, San Francisco 1914.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.