Santa Clara County











     As a successful business man, Edward C. Yocco is remembered in Los Gatos, Santa Clara county, where he had made his home from 1883 to the time of his death, November 20, 1901.  He was a native of the state, his birth having occurred in San Jose November 23, 1857.  His father Joaquin Yocco was born in Europe and came to California in 1849, making the voyage by way of Cape Horn, and upon his arrival in the state engaged in mining.  He continued this occupation but a short time when he located in San Jose and engaged in a general merchandise and commission business, in which enterprise he met with most gratifying success.  With the proceeds of his efforts he returned to France in 1866 and located in Paris, to educate his children.  He died in that city in December, 1899, when about eighty years of age.  His wife, formerly Josephine Huet, also a native of France, died March 4, 1901, at about the same age.  Of their children, one son and one daughter, Edward C. was the younger, and Pauline is now the wife of Emile Lebelle, of Paris France.

     Until he was nine years old, Edward C. Yocco received his education in the Gates school in San Jose, after which he was taken to Paris where he attended private academies.  He completed his education at fifteen years of age, and 1872 he returned to California, which was to be his choice of a home.  He first secured employment with an uncle who was in business in San Jose, remaining in the capacity of clerk for four years, when the business was sold out and he became a clerk in the city store of Auzerais & Pomeroy.  He then went to Almaden and engaged in the butcher business until 1883 when he located in Los Gatos.  For six years following he worked in a meat market which he purchased in 1889, conducting the same with much success until May, 1901, when he rented his shop and retired from business.  In November of the same year his death occurred, and with his passing away was lost to the community a man and citizen whose place it is difficult to fill.  He was public-spirited and energetic in all his enterprises, and as such added to the commercial prestige of the place.  Politically he was a Democrat and for eleven years acted as school trustee of Los Gatos.  Fraternally he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.

      Mr. Yocco was married twice, his first wife being Gracie Garat, with whom he was united in Marriage in 1879.  She was born in Mayfield and died November 15, 1889.  To them were born the following children:  Henrietta Beauchamp of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and George, a student of at the State University at Berkeley.  Mr. Yoccos’ second marriage united him with Miss Ella K. Knowles, the ceremony being performed February 18, 1892.  She was a native of Rock Island county, Ill., born near Port Byron and is a woman of rare intelligence and business ability and as such commands the recognition among the business enterprises of Los Gatos.  In March 1902, she was made secretary of the Cemetery Association of Los Gatos, which is incorporated, and has since performed the duties of her office in an efficient and capable manner.  She is also administrated of her husband’s estate, and owns a ranch of fifty-seven and one-half acres of orchard in the vicinity of this town.  She is the mother of two children, Edward S. and Mary, at home.




Transcribed by Louise E Shoemaker March 28, 2016.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1101-1102. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Louise E. Shoemaker.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library