Santa Clara County











            THOMAS GRAHAM WILLIAMS. Among the men of extended general experience who are successfully prosecuting agricultural pursuits in the Evergreen district, mention is due Thomas Graham Williams, who came to California in 1896, and who has occupied his present ranch of eighteen acres on the Santa Clara and Los Gatos roads, one mile south of Santa Clara, since 1900. On both sides of his family Mr. Williams claims Virginia ancestry, for his father, Thomas H., and his mother, Susan (Graham) Williams, were born in the Old Dominion, went to school there, and finally united their fortunes among the surroundings of their childhood. They went to Missouri ere it had become a state, located on a farm in Sheridan county, and remained there until 1864, two years after the birth of their son, Thomas. He was next to the youngest of five children, and the only son, who was born March 15, 1862. The next home of the family was in McDonough county, Ill., where Mr. Williams engaged in carpentering and building, in Blandensville, and where he has recently celebrated his seventy-fifth anniversary. He has been a widower for several years.

            Thomas Graham Williams had the advantages of the common schools of McDonough county, Ill., supplemented by a course in the Gem City Business College at Quincy, Ill., from which he was graduated in the class of 1883. For the following four years he was bookkeeper in the Bank of Table Rock, at Table Rock, Neb., and in 1887 removed to Montana, where he was bookkeeper for the transportation, stage and ore hauling concern of Sappington & Company for ten years. In December, 1896, he came to California and bought forty acres of land in the Evergreen district, which he sold in 1900 and purchased his present ranch of eighteen acres. His improvements include a neat little cottage, surrounded with flowers and shrubs, and a dryer for his prunes. He has been twice married, his first wife, formerly Carrie Campbell, a native of Illinois, having died there in 1896. In San Jose, in November, 1900, he was united in marriage with Mabel Allen, who was born in Wisconsin, and who has one son, Jesse. Mr. Williams is a Republican, but has no official aspirations. He is high minded and generous, loyal to friends, to his work, and the community in which he makes his home.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 14 November 2015.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 886-889. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Marie Hassard.








Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library