Santa Clara County











            MRS. MARY E. (ROCHE) SELZER.  A native of Siskiyou county, Cal., Mrs. Mary E. (Roche) Selzer was a daughter of Edmond and Mary (Phelan) Roche, natives of New York and Massachusetts respectively.  Edmond Roche came to California in 1849 and became successful as a miner, in San Francisco meeting and marrying Mary Phelan.  She was a native of Massachusetts, and a daughter of one of California’s pioneers.  Mr. Roche took his young wife to the mines on the south fork of the Scott river, in Siskiyou county, where the subject of this sketch was born in a log cabin and where the family lived comfortably for many years.  Here the young girlhood of Mary E. Roche was spent and in this home she was married to Dr. E. J. Selzer, who was a practicing physician of San Francisco, Cal.  Edmond Roche continued mining pursuits until he was elected road overseer, which position he filled creditably for eight years.  He then bought a ranch of one hundred and sixty acres in Scott valley, where he resided until he retired from active business, selling his ranch and removing to Callahan, Cal., where he and his wife now reside.  They were the parents of five children, of whom three survive.

            Mrs. Mary E. Selzer learned the pharmacist’s trade in her husband’s drug store in San Francisco and Oakland, and is a registered pharmacist in California.  She became the mother of three sons: Elliott Edmond, Roland W., who died at the age of eight years, and Max M. Selzer.  The latter is a clerk in the postoffice (sic) and secretary of the postoffice (sic) examining board.  Elliott E. is a druggist by occupation and assists in his mother’s Palo Alto store.  In 1892 Mrs. Selzer bought a drug store in Menlo Park and conducted it for nine years, in the meantime thoroughly establishing herself in this town, winning trade and many friends.  On April 1, 1901, Mrs. Selzer removed her store to Palo Alto, where she has conducted a first-class drug store on University avenue on the circle, a first-class establishment, up to date, and thorough in all its appointments.  In January, 1904, she obeyed a call of her old friends and patrons in Menlo Park and again established a branch drug store there, which she also conducts with her well-known ability and thoroughness of detail.  Her home is in Palo Alto, but twice daily she drives to Menlo Park to look after her interests there.

            Mrs. Selzer is an active member of Boneto Parlor, Native Daughters of the Golden West, and the Faternal (sic) Aid Association.  Socially she is highly respected and honored by all for her many good qualities of head and heart, and as a business woman she takes a deep interest in everything that may promote the welfare of Palo Alto.





Transcribed by Doralisa Palomares.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1398-1399. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Doralisa Palomares.






Santa Clara Biography

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