Santa Clara County











            As president of the Santa Clara Commercial League, member of the board of control of the Central Coast Counties Improvement Association, president of the Santa Clara County Laundrymen’s Association and president of the Enterprise Laundry Company of Santa Clara, Mr. Roll holds an influential position in the citizenship of the city and county of Santa Clara, whose interests he has been active in promoting during the long period of his residence here.  The youngest son of Andrew Roll, a native of city of Baden Baden, Germany, and a brother of John Roll (in whose sketch upon another page the family history appears), Robert Blum Roll was born in the township of Honey Creek, Sauk county, Wis., October 27, 1860, and until fourteen years of age remained on the home farm.  Beginning then to take up the burden of self-support, he hired out to a farmer in Dane county, and for a year received $12 per month as wages.  Not caring to continue on a farm, at the expiration of a year he apprenticed himself to the printer’s trade with a leading German paper of Wisconsin, remaining there for a year.

            One Thursday in November of 1878 Mr. Roll arrived in Santa Clara, Cal., and the following Monday he began to work for Jacob Eberhard, a tanner, with whom he continued until 1894, during the last ten years of the time holding the position of foreman of currying and finishing work.  On resigning his position he entered the laundry business with W. H. Werner, under the firm name of Roll & Werner, and started the Enterprise steam laundry, on the corner of Liberty and Jackson streets, Santa Clara, on the second floor of the Davis machine shop.  To facilitate the work steam power and modern improvements were introduced.  The laundry was opened for business September 15, 1894, and May 8, 1895, was burned to the ground, entailing a heavy loss upon the proprietors.  However, with a commendable spirit of optimism, new machinery was ordered and the building at No. 867 Sherman street was leased and remodeled for laundry purposes, being fitted with a boiler and engine of twenty-five horsepower.  Later an oil boiler was put in and a twenty-five hundred gallon steel oil tank, the only one of the kind in Santa Clara county.  The laundry is as large as any in the county, and all of its fittings are modern and compete.  Two patent steam mangles, 60 and 120 inches, facilitate the ironing of the clothes, while the large dry rooms furnish ample accommodation for the proper drying of the laundry.  Not only has the company established a large trade in Santa Clara, but the business covers all of the county, and shipments are also made from Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Alameda counties, and from San Francisco.  During the busy seasons employment is furnished to about thirty hands. In September, 1901, the Enterprise Laundry Company was incorporated, with Mr. Roll as president, Mr. Werner vice-president, J. M. Carr secretary, and the Santa Clara Valley Bank treasurer.

            In Santa Clara Mr. Roll married Miss Mamie Hetty, a native of this city, her father, John Hetty, having been a pioneer here and a resident of the city until his death.  Mrs. Roll was a member of the Church of Christ, to the doctrines of which she was ever faithful.  At her death, April 1, 1899, she left four children, Andrew, Leland, Robert B., Jr., and Myrtle.  The present wife of Mr. Roll was Miss Zella Acres, a native of Illinois, but reared and educated in San Jose.  Two children were born of this union, Pearl and William McKinley.  In politics Mr. Roll always supports Republican principles with the utmost loyalty.  For one term he served as treasurer of Santa Clara.  At this writing (1904) he is serving his fourth year as a member of the board of school trustees, and during his service has aided in the remodeling of the gymnasium and the erection of the high school building.  His connection with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows dates from 1881, when he was initiated into True Fellowship Lodge No. 238, in which he has been past grand several terms, also representing the lodge in the grand lodge several years and serving as past district deputy grand master.  He has been chief patriarch of Encampment No. 32 and its representative in the grand encampment.  During the existence of Canton No. 10 he was its captain and held a similar position after it was merged into San Jose Canton No. 9.  In the Rebekahs he has also been an active worker.  His fraternal relations are increased by his membership in the Independent Order of Red Men and the Modern Woodmen of America.

            On the organization of the Santa Clara fire department Mr. Roll was one of its charter members and for one term served as its first assistant chief, also acted as the second foreman of the Tanner Hose Company.  Being ambitious to promote any enterprise for the upbuilding of his home town, he took an active part in the organization of the Santa Clara Commercial League, of which he was chosen the first president; later was elected to the same position, and has ever been one of its leading members.  Another body organized for the benefit of this region, the Central Coast Counties Improvement Association, has enjoyed the benefit of his counsel and enthusiastic support, and he now serves as a member of its board of control and as the vice-president for Santa Clara county.  Along the line of his business his activity has been equally noticeable, and has not been limited to the development of his own plant, but has comprehended an alliance of others similarly engaged.  Largely to his efforts was due the organization of the Santa Clara Steam Laundrymen’s Association, and he has filled the position of president ever since its organization.




Transcribed Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 340-341. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Joyce Rugeroni.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library