Santa Clara County










            John Roll, chairman of the board of supervisors of Santa Clara county, was born in Sauk county, Wis., August 5, 1852. His father, Andrew Roll, was born and educated in Baden, Germany. The later was a skillful mechanic, a cabinet maker and piano maker, and spent eight years of his life in Paris perfecting himself in his business. In 1845 he came to America. After spending three years in New York City and two years in Galena, Ill., working at his trade, he went to Wisconsin in 1850 and settled in Sauk county, which was then an unreclaimed wilderness covered with dense forest. There he hewed out a farm of two hundred and forty acres, on which he resided until his death in 1866. On this farm the subject of this sketch was born, being one of a family of nine children. Of these there were six sons, five of whom are at present residing in Santa Clara, Cal.

            John Roll spent the early part of his life on the old farm, where his educational advantages were of necessity very meager, but where he acquired those habits of industry and concentration which have been so prominently exhibited in all the enterprises in which he has engaged. While yet a youth he started in life for himself. His first employment was in construction of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, first as a driver of a team and afterwards as carpenter and bridge builder. In 1881 he accepted an engagement to go to Arizona, where he had charge of the construction of the buildings and sawmills on Turkey creek for the Yavapai Mining Company. In 1884 he came to Santa Clara county and settled in the town of Santa Clara. He entered the employ of the Pacific Manufacturing Company, at first working as a carpenter, but his efficiency was soon recognized and he was tendered a position of foreman of the tank and windmill department, in which he continued until 1896, when he was elected as a member of the board of supervisors of Santa Clara county. During this time he was for six years a member of the board of trustees of the town of Santa Clara and as a member of that board was influential in securing the municipal ownership of the waterworks and other public utilities, in which that town takes so much pride. The fact that the supervisor district in which Mr. Roll resided was very strongly Republican made his nomination on the Democratic ticket to appear very much like a forlorn hope. But the people knew Mr. Roll and he was elected by a majority of one hundred and fifty votes. He served four years and his work was so satisfactory to his constituents that he was re-elected in 1898 by a majority of eight hundred, and again elected in 1902 by a majority of fourteen hundred. In January, 1903, he was chosen chairman of the board of supervisors, which position at the present time, 1904, he still occupies. In the administration of his official duties Mr. Roll has always exhibited an energetic industry and a practical intelligence that have made his name prominent not only in his own county, but through the state. At the annual state conventions of supervisors he has always been called upon for advice and suggestions in regard to the difficult problems which come up before the different boards in the execution of their official duties.

            Mr. Roll was one of the organizers of the Enterprise Manufacturing Company of San Jose, and has been its president since its incorporation. This institution has become one of the prominent industrial enterprises of Santa Clara county. Purchasing an old plant on Santa Clara street in San Jose, the company remodeled and enlarged it, and thoroughly equipped it for an up-to-date machine shop and foundry. It is now engaged in manufacturing all kinds of mining and pumping machinery and agricultural implements.

            In 1877 Mr. Roll was married to Miss Emma Runge, a native of Ozaukee county, Wis., and they are the parents of five children, to-wit.: Mrs. Julia A Madden, Robert I., August E., John Henry and Clara Roll. Mr. Roll is prominent and influential in many organizations, including Liberty Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M.; Howard Chapter, R. A. M., of San Jose; San Jose Commandery No. 10, K. T.; Islam Temple, N. M. S., of San Francisco; Knight of Pythias, of which he is past officer; the Independent Order of Foresters; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; the Improved Order of Red Men; and the Eagles. Both Mr. and Mrs. Roll are members of the Order of the Eastern Star. In politics Mr. Roll is a Democrat and is an ex-member of the Democratic State Central Committee. He is also a member of the Santa Clara Board of Trade.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1386-1387. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library