Clara County
The ranch which Joseph Ramelli
improved and cultivated for a number of years is now under the management of
his wife, who has proven herself a woman of rare business judgment and
executive ability. The original farm of thirty-eight acres was a part of the
old Fisher property, and to this Mr. Ramelli added
sixty acres, making in all ninety-eight acres, which is now largely devoted to
garden vegetables. Since her husband’s death, Mrs. Ramelli
has planted an orchard of twelve acres, consisting of various fruits, among
which prunes occupy a large amount of space.
Joseph Ramelli
was born in Switzerland January 7, 1839, and came to the United States in 1865.
He first engaged in mining in the state of California and later entered the
dairy business in Eldorado (sic) county. He came to Madrone,
Santa Clara county, in 1870 and engaged in the dairy business here, six years
later purchasing the thirty-eight acres of land which formed the nucleus for
the present ranch of the Ramelli family. He engaged
in general farming in this location, where he made his home until his death,
July 24, 1886. He left a large family. In San Jose, Cal., in 1876, he married
Maria Magginetti, who was born in Switzerland
February 28, 1859, a daughter of Babtiste Magginetti, also a native of that country. He came to
California in 1860, engaging for a time in the mines of the country, but later
working in the timber in the Big Basin country. He eventually located at Madrone, Santa Clara county, and engaged in ranching,
continuing so occupied until 1885, when he removed to a cattle ranch in San
Benito county. The following year he returned to Santa Clara county
and has since made his home with his daughter, now being eighty-five years of age.
His wife, formerly Caroline Rodoni of Switzerland,
died in this location. They were the parents of two sons and three daughters,
of whom four attained maturity and came to the United States. Mrs. Ramelli was the youngest child and received her education
in the common schools of her native country. By her marriage with Mr. Ramelli she became the mother of five sons and one
daughter, namely: Amelia, the wife of E. P. Giaccomazzi,
who is engaged in the general merchandise business in Milpitas; Henry, a seed
farmer and foreman for the Braselin Seed Company;
Frank; Peter; and Joseph who are still at home with their mother; and William,
who is a clerk in Milpitas. In their political affiliations the family are Republicans.
Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.
Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast
Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1341-1342. The
Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
© 2016 Cecelia M. Setty.