Santa Clara County











     An incorporated concert, the Pomeroy Orchard Company is one that does an extensive business and holds an important place among the enterprises of this section of Santa Clara county.  Its business manager, a young man of splendid ability, judgment and enterprise, has given his best thought and effort toward the success of the work, at the same time bringing to him a competence and adding no little to the prestige which this county enjoys as a fruit source.  Irwin Edgar Pomeroy is a native son of the state, and county, the date of his birth being December 15, 1870.  He is the son of Marshall and the grandson of Warren Pomeroy, both of whom were natives of Connecticut.  The elder man was a stone cutter by trade and a manufacturer of clocks, in addition to which he also engaged in farming.  He came to California by way of the Isthmus, and locating in San Jose, Santa Clara county, he gave some time to agricultural pursuits and much to the successful manipulation of large sums of money, enjoying a reputation as a capitalist and financier.  In advanced years he sought retirement from the active duties of life and so remained until he passed away.  Marshall Pomeroy came to the state also by way of the Isthmus and in 1852 located in Santa Clara country along the banks of the Coyote river and engaged in farming.  A popular man he received the appointment of deputy sheriff for the county, serving from 1876 to 1880.  He is now a resident of San Jose.  He married Ella Elyn French, a native of Michigan, and to them were born four sons and one daughter, the eldest of which is our personal subject.

     After receiving a preliminary education in the common schools of California Mr. Pomeroy, in 1886, entered the University of the Pacific, graduating from the commercial department in 1889.  Returning to his early training he engaged in the orchard business with his father, upon the property where he is now located, two miles west of Santa Clara on the Santa Fe railroad, of the one hundred and twenty acres comprising the ranch devoting seventy to the cultivation of fruit, with the exception of a few peach trees all being prunes.  The balance of the land is devoted to the cultivation of grain.  Mr. Pomeroy is a stockholder in the American Dredging Company, incorporated, whose main office is in San Francisco, his father being president of the same.

     In Santa Clara Mr. Pomeroy was united in marriage with Florence Mabel Dawson, a native of San Jose, and they are the parents of two children, namely:  Marshall Benton and Irwin Edgar, Jr.  Politically Mr. Pomeroy is a Republican.





Transcribed 1-12-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 933-934. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library