Santa Clara County










     Although a young man, John F. Parkinson has shown marked business ability, especially since locating in California, which he did in 1888, and it was then that he became identified with the lumber and hardware business.  Four years later, in 1892, he built the first residence in Palo Alto, and started a lumber and hardware business there, and thereby laid the foundation for his present large and profitable business.  Soon afterward a company was incorporated and for years the business was conducted under the firm name of Parkinson Lumber & Hardware Company, but in 1902 it was reincorporated becoming the J.P. Parkinson Company, and the capital stock was increased to $125,000.  Mr. Parkinson is the president, manager and owner, and the company has extensive lumber yards, hardware store, planing mill, sawmill, and plumbing department, doing an exceedingly large and profitable business.

     A descendent of a worthy West Virginia family, Mr. Parkinson was born in Marshall county of that state, December 2, 1864, and is one of seven children born to Benoni and Katherine (Gray) Parkinson, both of whom were natives of the same state.  The father was a physician and surgeon in the army and in 1870 went west to Iowa, locating I Washington county.  Here it was that his wife died in 1880.  About twelve years later, Mr. Parkinson came to California and at Palo Alto he organized the Palo Alto Bank, which was successfully operated by him up to the time of his death in 1900.  Of the seven children born to him and his wife, five were sons and two were daughters.

     Being the eldest child of the family, John F. had the advantage of receiving a good practical education.  After completing the common school course, he became a student in the Washington High School, from which he graduated.  In 1886 he enters college at An Arbor, Mich., but on account of sickness was obliged to abandon a college career and seek a more healthful climate in California.  For the four years following he was employed by the Pacific Manufacturing Company at Santa Clara, working in the lumber department during this time.  He then went to Palo Alto as previously mentioned, and the Parkinson Lumber & Hardware Company, of which he was manager, was the earliest business enterprise of this section.  The present flourishing condition of this company is due largely to Mr. Parkinson’s untiring efforts, and his successes has been but the just reward of perseverance and ability.

     By his marriage in Washington county, Iowa, Mr. Parkinson was united with Miss Maze Scofield, who was born and reared in the same county.  Four children blessed this union, and they are named as follows:  Katherine, Robert, Benoni, and John F. Jr.  Fraternally Mr. Parkinson affiliates with the F. & A.M., of Mountain-view; the Knights of Pythias, of Palo Alto; the I.O.O.F No.52, of Santa Clara; and the A.O.U.W., of Palo Alto.  In his political convictions he is a pronounced Republican, being one of the most active politicians in his section.  He has frequently been elected as a delegate to the state convention and has also served as a member of the county central committee.  His deep interest in educational affairs is evinced by his many years of service as director, clerk, and as president of the local school board.  At the present time he is officiating as clerk of the board of both public schools and high school.  Mr. Parkinson, in addition to his extensive business interests is broad minded and public spirited, and to him belongs the distinction of having organized the local alliance in opposition to the unions.  He is a director of the Santa Clara County Alliance and also a director of the State Federation or Citizens’ Alliance. 




Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, August 25, 2016.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1207-1208. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Louise E. Shoemaker.







Santa Clara Biography

Golden Nugget Library